Name | Label | Question |
Primary stage stratum serial number
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Second sampling unit serial number
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number of segments
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AD |
Aimag/ Capital city
| |
SD |
Soum/ District
| |
BD |
Bagh/ Khoroo
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| |
| |
| |
| |
Segment Number
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Number of visits required
| |
Survey result code
| |
Reasons orginally not selected household surveyed
| |
Household size
| |
population who are 5 and over
| |
SUR1 |
Interviewed population 1
| |
SUR2 |
Interviewed population 2
| |
SUR3 |
Interviewed population 3
| |
Number of family members living away from HH for more than 6 months
| |
Living away total members: Studying
| |
Living away total members: working
| |
Living away total members: Other
| |
Living away 15 and above members
| |
Living away 15 and above members: Studying
| |
Living away 15 and above members: Working
| |
Living away 15 and above members: Other
| |
Started year of survey
| |
Started month of survey
| |
Started day of survey
| |
Started hour of survey
| |
Started minute of survey
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Finished year of survey
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Finished month of survey
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Finished day of survey
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Finished hour of survey
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Finished minute of survey
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P2 |
| |
I2 |
| What is _________’s relationship to the household head? |
I3 |
| What is _____’s sex? |
I5 |
| What is _______'s age in completed years? |
I6 |
Marital status
| What is______’s marital status? |
I7 |
Did live anywhere else for more than 6 months continuously in past 5 years?
| |
I8 |
How many months ago did came to the present place?
| |
I9 |
Place of residence
| Where was _______ living earlier? |
I10 |
Previous location
| Was that place urban or rural? |
I11 |
Main reason for migration
| What was the main reason that ________ moved? |
P3 |
| |
I12 |
Does ____ have any disability?
| |
I13 |
Are _________s disability is born or acquired
| |
I14 |
Cause of disability
| What was the cause of acquired disablity? |
I15A |
| Type of disability |
I15B |
| Type of disability |
I15C |
| Type of disability |
I15D |
| Type of disability |
I15E |
| Type of disability |
I15F |
| Type of disability |
I16 |
Has _____ ever attended any educational institution?
| |
I17 |
Educational Level
| What was the highest level __________ successfully completed? |
I18 |
Can _____ read and write a simple message in any language?
| |
I19 |
Has _____ attended any vocational and technical training programmes in the last 5 years?
| |
I20A |
Main subject studied
| What was the main subject of training? |
I20B |
Main subject studied
| What was the main subject of training? |
I20C |
Main subject studied
| What was the main subject of training? |
P4 |
| |
II21 |
Wage job
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II22 |
Self-employed / unpaid family workers job col22=sum(col23:col35)
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II23 |
Animal husbandry, agricultural
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II24 |
Hunting and trapping
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II25 |
Forestry and logging
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II26 |
Mining and quarrying
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II27 |
Food processing
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II28 |
Handicraftsincluding carpets; clothing, shoes etc
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II29 |
Construction and major repairs
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II30 |
Any business operated by ________
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II31 |
Provision of private tuition, childcare services etc for a fee
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II32 |
Restaurant and hotel business
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II33 |
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II34 |
Provision of private tuition, childcare services etc for a fee
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II35 |
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
II36 |
Total hours col36=sum(21+22)
| During the last 7 days did ________ do any of the following work activities and how many hours did _____ actually spend on each activity? |
P5 |
| |
II37 |
Cooking /serving food for household
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II38 |
Cleaning utensils/ house
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II39 |
Washing clothes/ laundering
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II40 |
Minor household repairs
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II41 |
Shopping for household
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II42 |
Knitting and sewing and mending garments and knitted items
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II43 |
Fetching water for drinking and washing
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II44 |
Fetching fuel and preparing firewood
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II45 |
Caring for the old/sick/infirm
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II46 |
Looking after children
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II47 |
Caring for household pets eg. dogs, cats; growing plants such as ornamental plants in the home garden (other than for sale)
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II48 |
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II49 |
Voluntary/ community services without pay
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
II50 |
Total Hours col50=sum(37-49)
| During the last 7 days did _______ do any of the following activities without pay for your household and if so the time spent on the activity? |
P6 |
| |
II51 |
Please enter the total number of hours from Col. 36
| |
II52 |
Even though ________ did not work in the last 7 days, does _______ have a job or business to which _____ will return to work?
| |
II53 |
What was the main type of work, trade or profession _________ did in his primary job in the last 7 days-isco.
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