Mongolia - Child labour survey, 2021-2022
Reference ID | DDI-MN-NSO-CLS-2022-v1.0 |
Year | 0 |
Country | Mongolia |
Producer(s) | |
Sponsor(s) | International Labour Organization and United States Department of Labour - ILO,UNDL - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | May 28, 2024 |
Last modified | May 28, 2024 |
Page views | 35160 |
Downloads | 869 |
Sampling Procedure
The survey will be covered total households with children aged 5-17 in 21 aimags and 9 districts of Mongolia. The survey sampling frame will be prepared based on The Population and Housing Database of Mongolia (PHD) 2020 year-end data. At the end of 2020, 816.7 thousand children aged 5-17 live in 475.0 thousand households in Mongolia. Children aged 5-17 account for 25.1 percent of the total population, and households with children aged 5-17 account for 52.3 percent of the total households. The survey was designed at the household level and covered children aged 5-17 years. The homeless children, children who live in prisons, orphanages, and special care facilities have not been included in the survey. The desired ratio between survey sampling units and households, the survey unit was set up as 12 households and units as 1104. These more detailed sampling techniques enabled to produce estimates of working children by aimags, which was one of main advantages of this survey over the previous survey.