Mongolia - HSES 2002/2003
Reference ID | MNG-NSO-EN-IntegratedHIESwithLSMS20022003-v1.0 |
Year | 2002 - 2003 |
Country | Mongolia |
Producer(s) | National Statistical Office of Mongolia |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Development Programme - UNDP - Funding of survey implementation World Bank - WB - Funding of survey implementation |
Collection(s) | |
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Created on | Jul 29, 2013 |
Last modified | Jul 08, 2014 |
Page views | 1056425 |
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Sampling Procedure
The Integrated HIES with LSMS 2002-2003 households are a subset of the household interviewed for the HIES 2002. One third of the HIES 2002 households were contacted again and interviewed on the LSMS topics. The subset was equally distributed among the four quarters.
The HIES 2002, and consequently the Integrated HIES with LSMS 2002-2003, used the 2000 Census as sample frame. 1,248 enumerations areas were part of the sample, which is a two-stage stratified random sample. The strata, or domains of estimation, are four: Ulaanbaatar, Aimag capitals and small towns, Soum centres, and Countryside. At a first stage a number of Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) were selected from each stratum. In the selected PSUs enumerators listed all the households residing in the area, and in a second stage households were randomly selected from the list of households identified in that PSU (10 households were selected in urban areas and 8 households in rural areas).
It should be noted that non-response case of households once selected for the survey exerts unfavorable influence on the representativeness of the survey. Therefore an enumerator should take every step to avoid that. To obtain true and timely survey results a proper agreement should be reached with a selected household before a survey starts. One of the main reasons of non-response is that an enumerator doesn't meet with the household members who are able to give the required information. An enumerator should visit a household at least 3 times within the given period to take the questionnaire.
Another common reason is that a household refuses to participate in the survey. In this case an enumerator should explain the purpose of the survey again, explain that the private data will be kept strictly confidential according to the corresponding law. If necessary an enumerator can ask local statistical division or local administration for the help. However this practice is very seldom.
If there is no possibility to take the questionnaires from the selected households due to weather conditions or disasters, reserved households with numbers 11, 12, 13 respectively from the list provided by the NSO should replace the omitted ones. However the reasons of replacements are to be declared in detail on the form.
Deviations from Sample Design
At the planning stage the time lag between the HIES and LSMS interviews was expected to be relatively short. However, for various reasons it is on average of about 9 months, and for some households more than one year. Households interviewed in the first and second quarter of 2002 were generally re-interviewed in March and April 2003, while households of the third and fourth quarter of 2002 were re-interviewed in May, June and July of 2003. The considerable time lag between HIES and LSMS interviews was the main responsible for a considerable loss of households in the LSMS sample, households that could not be easily relocated and therefore re-interviewed. Due also to some incomplete questionnaires, the number of households that were used for the final poverty analysis is 3,308.
Response Rate
No information
The use of the sampling procedure of the survey means that households living in different areas of the country have been selected with differing probabilities. Therefore, in order to obtain representative statistics for each of the strata and for Mongolia, it is necessary to use sampling weights. These weights are applied to each household and correspond to the inverse of the probability of selection, calculated taking into account the sampling strategy.