Mongolia - SISS 2018
Reference ID | DDI-MNG-NSO-EN-SISS-2018-v1.0 |
Year | 2018 |
Country | Mongolia |
Producer(s) | National Statistical Office - SGH |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - Funding of survey implementation United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - Funding of survey implementation |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Aug 02, 2019 |
Last modified | Aug 02, 2019 |
Page views | 508739 |
Downloads | 16687 |
Data Dictionary
Data File: Women
Content | An information for individual women administered in each household to all women age 15-49 years |
Cases | 11737 |
Variable(s) | 448 |
Name | Label | Question | |
PN24 | Place where mother's health was checked | Where did this check take place? | |
PN25A | During two days after birth health care provider: Examine cord | During the first two days after birth, did any health care provider do any of the following either at home or at a facility: | |
PN25B | During two days after birth health care provider: Take temperature of baby | During the first two days after birth, did any health care provider do any of the following either at home or at a facility: | |
PN25D | During two days after birth health care provider: Take the temperature of mother | During the first two days after birth, did any health care provider do any of the following either at home or at a facility: | |
PN25C | During two days after birth health care provider: Counsel on breastfeeding | During the first two days after birth, did any health care provider do any of the following either at home or at a facility: | |
PN27 | During two days after birth health care provider observe child's breastfeeding | Observe (name)'s breastfeeding? | |
PN29 | During two days after birth health care provider weighter child again | You mentioned that (name) was weighed at birth. After that, was (name) weighed again by a health care provider within two days? You mentioned that (name) was not weighed at birth. Was (name) weighed at all by a health care provider within two days after birth? You mentioned that you do not know if (name) was weighed at birth. Was (name) weighed at all by a health care provider within two days after birth? | |
PN30 | During two days after birth health care provider gave informtion on symtomps | During the first two days after (name)'s birth, did any health care provider give you information on the symptoms that require you to take your sick child to a health facility for care? | |
CP1 | Currently pregnant | Are you pregnant now? | |
CP2 | Currently using a method to avoid pregnancy | Are you currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant? | |
CP3 | Ever used a method to avoid pregnancy | Have you ever done something or used any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant? | |
CP4A | Current method: Female sterilization / Tie-off | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4B | Current method: Male sterilization / Vasectomy | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4C | Current method: IUD | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4D | Current method: Injectables / Injection | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4E | Current method: Implants | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4F | Current method: Pill | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4G | Current method: Male condom | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4H | Current method: Female condom | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4I | Current method: Diaphragm | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4J | Current method: Foam / Jelly | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4K | Lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM) | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4L | Current method: Periodic abstinence / Rhythm / Calendar | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4M | Current method: Withdrawal | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4X | Current method: Other | What type of method are you using? | |
CP4NR | Current method: Missing | What type of method are you using? | |
UN2 | Wanted to get pregnant at the time | Now I would like to talk to you about your current pregnancy. When you got pregnant, did you want to get pregnant at that time? | |
UN4 | Wanted baby later or did not want more children | Did you want to have a baby later on or did you not want any children? Did you want to have a baby later on or did you not want more children? | |
UN5 | Would like to have another child (currently pregnant) | After the child you are now expecting, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children? | |
UN7 | Would like to have another child (not currently pregnant) | Would you like to have (a/another) child, or would you prefer not to have any (more) children? | |
UN8U | Desired waiting time (unit) | How long would you like to wait before the birth of (a/another) child? | |
UN8N | Desired waiting time (number) | How long would you like to wait before the birth of (a/another) child? | |
UN11 | Able to get pregnant | Do you think you are physically able to get pregnant at this time? | |
UN12A | Reason: Infrequent sex / No sex | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12B | Reason: Menopausal | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12C | Reason: Never menstruated | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12D | Reason: Hysterectomy | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12J | Reason: Trying to get pregnant for 1-2 years without result | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12E | Reason: Trying to get pregnant for 2 years or more without result | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12F | Reason: Postpartum amenorrheic | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12G | Reason: Breastfeeding | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12H | Reason: Too old | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12X | Reason: Other | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12Z | Reason: Don't know | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN12NR | Reason: Missing | Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant? | |
UN13B | Children number to want | If you imagined that you were returning to your age when you have not had any children yet, how many children would you want to have? How many children would you like to have? | |
UN13C | Boys number to want | How many boys would you like to have / would you want to have? | |
UN13D | Girls number to want | How many girls would you like to have / would you want to have? | |
UN14U | Start of last menstrual period - unit | When did your last menstrual period start? | |
UN14N | Start of last menstrual period - number | When did your last menstrual period start? | |
UN16 | Social activities, school or work days not attended due to menstruation | Due to your last menstruation, were there any social activities, school or work days that you did not attend? | |
UN16A | Main reason to refrained from attending school, or going to work, or any social activities | Can you name the main reason you refrained from attending school, or going to work, or any social activities? | |
UN17 | Availability of private place for washing during last menstrual period | During your last menstruation, was it difficult for you to care of personal hygiene at home? | |
UN18 | Used any materials such as sanitary pads, tampons or cloth | Did you use any materials such as sanitary pads, tampons or cloth? | |
UN19 | Used reusable materials | Were the materials reusable? | |
MA1 | Currently married or living with a man | Are you currently married or living together with someone as if married? | |
MA2 | Age of husband/partner | How old is your (husband/partner)? | |
MA5 | Ever married or lived with a man | Have you ever been married or lived together with someone as if married? | |
MA6 | Marital status | What is your marital status now: are you widowed, divorced or separated? | |
MA7 | Married or lived with a man once or more than once | Have you been married or lived with someone only once or more than once? | |
MA8Y | Year of first union | In what year and month did you start living with your (husband/partner)? In what year and month did you start living with your first (husband/partner)? | |
MA8M | Month of first union | In what year and month did you start living with your (husband/partner)? In what year and month did you start living with your first (husband/partner)? | |
MA11 | Age at first union | How old were you when you started living with your (husband/partner)? How old were you when you started living with your first (husband/partner)? | |
MA8C | Date of first union (CMC) | ||
MA8F | Date flag for MA8C | ||
MA11C | Age at first union (calculated) | ||
DV1A | If she goes out with out telling husband: wife beating justified | Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations: | |
DV1B | If she neglects the children: wife beating justified | Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations: | |
DV1C | If she argues with husband: wife beating justified | Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations: | |
DV1D | If she refuses sex with husband: wife beating justified | Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations: | |
DV1E | If she burns the food: wife beating justified | Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations: | |
DV3 | Can say NO to (husband / partner) if she doesn't want to have sexual intercourse | Can you say NO to your (husband / partner) if you do not want to have sexual intercourse? | |
DV4 | Who usually makes decisions related to caring about reproductive health | Who usually makes decisions related to caring about your reproductive health? For example, women's health check, family planning, antenatal care etc. | |
DV6 | Who usually makes decisions on the method of contraception use | Who usually makes decisions on the method of contraception use? Yourself, or your husband / partner, or together jointly? | |
VT1 | Something taken by using force or someone threatening to use force | In the last three years, that is since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 3), has anyone taken or tried taking something from you, by using force or threatening to use force? | |
VT2 | Victimisation happened during the last 12 months | Did this last happen during the last 12 months, that is, since (month of interview) of (year of interview minus 1)?? | |
VT3 | Number of times victimisation happened in the last year | How many times did this happen in the last 12 months? | |
VT5 | The last time that this happened, was anything stolen | When this happened, was anything stolen from you? The last time this happened, was anything stolen from you? | |
VT6 | Person(s) had a weapon | Did the person(s) have a weapon? | |
VT7A | Offender(s) had a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon: A knife | Was a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon? | |
VT7B | Offender(s) had a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon: A gun | Was a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon? | |
VT7X | Offender(s) had a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon: Other weapon | Was a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon? | |
VT7NR | Offender(s) had a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon: Missing | Was a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon? | |
VT8 | Incident reported to the police | Did you or anyone else report the incident to the police? | |
VT9 | Personally attacked or threatened by someone in really frightening way | Apart from the incident(s) just covered, have you in the last three years, that is since (month of interview) of (year of interview minus 3), been physical attacked? In the same period of the last three years, that is since (month of interview) of (year of interview minus 3), have you been physically attacked? | |
VT10 | Attack happened during the last 12 months | Did this last happen during the last 12 months, that is, since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 1)? | |
VT11 | Number of times attack happened in the last year | How many times did this happen in the last 12 months? | |
VT12 | Place attack happened the last time | Where did this happen? Where did this happen the last time? | |
VT13 | Number of people involved in committing the offence | How many people were involved in committing the offence? | |
VT14 | At the time of the incident, did you recognize the person? At the time of the incident, did you recognize at least one of the persons? | ||
VT17 | Person(s) had a weapon | Did the person(s) have a weapon? | |
VT18A | Offender(s) had a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon: A knife | Was a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon? | |
VT18B | Offender(s) had a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon: A gun | Was a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon? | |
VT18X | Offender(s) had a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon: Other weapon | Was a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon? | |
VT18NR | Offender(s) had a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon: Missing | Was a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon? | |
VT19 | Incident reported to the police | Did you or anyone else report the incident to the police? | |
VT20 | Feeling safe walking alone in neighbourhood after dark | How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighbourhood after dark? | |
VT21 | Feeling safe at home alone after dark | How safe do you feel when you are at home alone after dark? | |
VT22A | In the past 12 months, felt discriminated: Ethnicity | In the past 12 months, have you personally felt discriminated against or harassed on the basis of the following grounds? | |
VT22B | In the past 12 months, felt discriminated: Sex | In the past 12 months, have you personally felt discriminated against or harassed on the basis of the following grounds? | |
Total variable(s):
448 |