Mongolia - SISS 2018
Reference ID | DDI-MNG-NSO-EN-SISS-2018-v1.0 |
Year | 2018 |
Country | Mongolia |
Producer(s) | National Statistical Office - SGH |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - Funding of survey implementation United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - Funding of survey implementation |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Aug 02, 2019 |
Last modified | Aug 02, 2019 |
Page views | 524258 |
Downloads | 16815 |
Data Dictionary
Data File: Child under 5
Content | An under-5 information, administered to mothers (or caretakers)for all children under 5 living in the household |
Cases | 6269 |
Variable(s) | 441 |
Name | Label | Question | |
HH1 | Cluster number | ||
HH2 | Household number | ||
LN | Line number | ||
UF1 | Cluster number | ||
UF2 | Household number | ||
UF3 | Child's line number | ||
UFINT | Interviewer number | ||
UF4 | Mother / Caretaker's line number | ||
UF5 | Interviewer number | ||
UF6 | Supervisor number | ||
UF7Y | Year of interview | Date of interview | |
UF7M | Month of interview | Date of interview | |
UF7D | Day of interview | Date of interview | |
UF9 | Respondent to another questionnaire | Check completed questionnaires in this household: Have you or another member of your team interviewed this respondent for another questionnaire? | |
UF10 | Consent | ||
UF17 | Result of interview for children under 5 | ||
UF8H | Start of interview - Hour | Record the time | |
UF8M | Start of interview - Minutes | Record the time | |
UF11H | End of interview - Hour | ||
UF11M | End of interview - Minutes | ||
UF12 | Language of the questionnaire | ||
UF13 | Language of the interview | ||
UF14 | Native language of the respondent | ||
UF15 | Translator used | ||
UFHINT | Household interviewer | ||
CHFIN | Finish | ||
UB1Y | Year of birth of child | On what year, month and day was (name) born? | |
UB1M | Month of birth of child | On what year, month and day was (name) born? | |
UB1D | Day of birth of child | On what year, month and day was (name) born? | |
UB2 | Age of child | How old is (name)? | |
UB6 | Ever attended early childhood education programme | Has (name) ever attended kindergarten or any alternative ECE programme? | |
UB7 | Attended early childhood education programme anytime since the beginning of current school year | Since September, 2018 has (name) attended the programme mentioned in (kindergarten or any alternative ECE programme) at any time? | |
UB8 | Currently attending early childhood education programme | Does (name) currently attend (kindergarten or any alternative ECE programme)? | |
BR1 | Birth certificate | Does (name) have a birth certificate? | |
BR2 | Birth registered | Has (name)'s birth been registered with the Civil Registration Authority? | |
BR3 | Know how to register birth | Do you know how to register (name)'s birth? | |
EC1 | Number of children's books or picture books for child | Do you have children's books or picture books for (name)? | |
EC2A | Homemade toys | I am interested in learning about the things that (name) plays with when (he/she) is at home. | |
EC2B | Toys from shops | I am interested in learning about the things that (name) plays with when (he/she) is at home. | |
EC2C | Household objects or outside objects | I am interested in learning about the things that (name) plays with when (he/she) is at home. | |
EC2D | Household objects or outside objects | I am interested in learning about the things that (name) plays with when (he/she) is at home. | |
EC3A | Days left alone for more than one hour | Sometimes adults taking care of children have to leave the house to go shopping, wash clothes, or for other reasons and have to leave young children. On how many days in the past week was (name): | |
EC3B | Days left in the care of another child, that is someone less than 10 years old, for more than one hour | Sometimes adults taking care of children have to leave the house to go shopping, wash clothes, or for other reasons and have to leave young children. On how many days in the past week was (name): | |
EC5AA | Read books - Mother | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Read books or looked at picture books with (name)? | |
EC5AB | Read books - Father | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Read books or looked at picture books with (name)? | |
EC5AX | Read books - Other | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Read books or looked at picture books with (name)? | |
EC5AY | Read books - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Read books or looked at picture books with (name)? | |
EC5ANR | Read books - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Read books or looked at picture books with (name)? | |
EC5BA | Tell stories - Mother | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Told stories to (name)? | |
EC5BB | Tell stories - Father | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Told stories to (name)? | |
EC5BX | Tell stories - Other | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Told stories to (name)? | |
EC5BY | Tell stories - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Told stories to (name)? | |
EC5BNR | Read books - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Told stories to (name)? | |
EC5CA | Sang songs - Mother | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Sang songs to or with (name), including lullabies? | |
EC5CB | Sang songs - Father | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Sang songs to or with (name), including lullabies? | |
EC5CX | Sang songs - Other | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Sang songs to or with (name), including lullabies? | |
EC5CY | Sang songs - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Sang songs to or with (name), including lullabies? | |
EC5CNR | Read books - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Sang songs to or with (name), including lullabies? | |
EC5DA | Took outside - Mother | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Took (name) outside the home? | |
EC5DB | Took outside - Father | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Took (name) outside the home? | |
EC5DX | Took outside - Other | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Took (name) outside the home? | |
EC5DY | Took outside - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Took (name) outside the home? | |
EC5DNR | Read books - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Took (name) outside the home? | |
EC5EA | Played with - Mother | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Played with (name)? | |
EC5EB | Played with - Father | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Played with (name)? | |
EC5EX | Played with - Other | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Played with (name)? | |
EC5EY | Played with - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Played with (name)? | |
EC5ENR | Read books - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Played with (name)? | |
EC5FA | Named/counted - Mother | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Named, counted, or drew things for or with (name)? | |
EC5FB | Named/counted - Father | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Named, counted, or drew things for or with (name)? | |
EC5FX | Named/counted - Other | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Named, counted, or drew things for or with (name)? | |
EC5FY | Named/counted - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Named, counted, or drew things for or with (name)? | |
EC5FNR | Read books - No one | In the past 3 days, did you or any household member age 15 or over engage in any of the following activities with (name): Named, counted, or drew things for or with (name)? | |
EC5H | Can (Name) recognize and differentiate colors? | Now I will ask a few questions about the health and development of (name). Children are not same in their learning and development. For example, some start walking earlier than the others. These questions are about (name)'s development. | |
EC5I | Can (Name) recognize simple forms like, triangle, square, round? | ||
EC6 | Child identifies at least ten letters of the alphabet | Can (name) identify or name at least 10 letters of the alphabet? | |
EC7 | Child reads at least four simple, popular words | Can (Name) read at least four simple, popular words? | |
EC7A | Can (Name) count? | ||
EC8 | Child knows name and recognizes symbol of all numbers from 1-10 | Does (name) know the name and recognize the symbol of all numbers from 1 to 10? | |
EC9 | Child able to pick up small object with 2 fingers | Can (name) pick up a small object with two fingers, like a stick or a rock from the ground? | |
EC9A | Child able to pick up spoon, a fork, a pen, apencil with thumb, index finger or middle finger | Can (name) hold objects with his/her thumb, index finger or middle finger, like a spoon, fork or pen? | |
EC10 | Child sometimes too sick to play | Is (name) sometimes too sick to play? | |
EC11 | Child follows simple directions | Does (name) follow simple directions on how to do something correctly? | |
EC12 | Child able to do something independently | When given something to do, is (name) able to do it independently? | |
EC13 | Child gets along well with other children | Does (name) get along well with other children? | |
EC14 | Child kicks, bites or hits other children or adults | Does (name) kick, bite, or hit other children or adults? | |
EC15 | Child gets distracted easily | Does (name) get distracted easily? | |
UCD2A | Took away privileges | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. Took away privileges, forbade something (name) liked or did not allow (him/her) to leave the house. | |
UCD2B | Explained why behaviour was wrong | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
UCD2C | Shook child | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. Shook (him/her)? | |
UCD2D | Shouted, yelled or screamed at child | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month.Shouted, yelled at or screamed at (him/her). | |
UCD2E | Gave child something else to do | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. Gave (him/her) something else to do. | |
UCD2F | Spanked, hit or slapped child on bottom with bare hand | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. Spanked, hit or slapped (him/her) on the bottom with bare hand. | |
UCD2G | Hit child on the bottom or elsewhere with belt, brush, stick, etc. | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. Hit (him/her) on the bottom or elsewhere on the body with something like a belt, hairbrush, stick or other hard object. | |
UCD2H | Called child dumb, lazy or another name | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. Called (him/her) dumb, lazy or another name like that. | |
UCD2I | Hit or slapped child on the face, head or ears | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. Hit or slapped (him/her) on the face, head or ears. | |
UCD2J | Hit or slapped child on the hand, arm or leg | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
UCD2K | Beat child up as hard as one could | Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
UCD3 | Is this respondent the mother or caretaker of any other children under age 5 or a child age 5-14 selected for the questionnaire for children age 5-17 | ||
Total variable(s):
441 |