Mongolia - RHS 2003
Reference ID | MNG-NSO-EN-RHS-2003-v3.0 |
Year | 2003 |
Country | Mongolia |
Producer(s) | National Statistical Office of Mongolia |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - Financial and technical assistance for conduct of the Survey |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Jul 18, 2013 |
Last modified | Jul 08, 2014 |
Page views | 562803 |
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Data Dictionary
Data File: Child
Content | Dataset of Maternal health, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and child health of Individual questionnaire of the RHS 2003 (question 300-347) |
Cases | 4354 |
Variable(s) | 93 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: WNEGJ (Cluster Number), WAIM (Aimag), WSOM (Soum), WBAG (Bagh\Horoo), WHHNO (Household number), WUR (Area), RESPNO (Line number of women) |
Version | v2.0 |
Producer | National Statistical Office of Mongolia |
Name | Label | Question | |
WNEGJ | Cluster Number | ||
WAIM | Aimag | ||
WSOM | Soum | ||
WBAG | Bagh\Horoo | ||
WHHNO | Household number | ||
WUR | Area | ||
RESPNO | Line number of women | ||
HUSQUEST | Husband Interview attempted | ||
HUSLN | Husband's line number | ||
WMONTH | Month of Interview | ||
WDAY | Interview Day | ||
WRESULT | Result | ||
WVISIT | Number of Visits | ||
Q302 | Birth Order | Please tell me names of all children born since BIRTH- January 1, 1998? | |
Q303 | Outcome of Pregnancy | Is (NAME) twin or not? | |
Q304 | Sex Of Child | Is (NAME) boy or girl? | |
Q305Y | Child's Birth Date : Year | When (NAME) was born? YEAR: | |
Q305M | Child's Birth Date : Month | When (NAME) was born? MONTH: | |
Q306 | Still Alive | Is (NAME) alive now? | |
Q307A | Age at Death : Code | How old (NAME) was when he died?Code: | |
Q307B | Age at Death | How old (NAME) was when he died?Age: | |
Q308 | Pregnancy wanted | At the time you became pregnant did you want to give a birth to (NAME)? | |
Q309 | Antenatal care | When you were pregnant with (NAME), did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? If Yes: Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
Q310 | Place of Antenatal Care | Where did you go for antenatal care for this pregnancy? | |
Q311A | Duration of Pregnancy Before First Antenatal Care | How many months pregnant were you when you received antenatal care at first time? | |
Q311B | Number of antenatal care | How many times did you receive antenatal care? | |
Q312 | Went with husband to health center | Did your husband/partner go along with you to health center when you were pregnant? | |
Q313A | Any Complications With Pregnancy | Did you have any complications during this pregnancy? | |
Q313B | Vaginal Bleeding | Did you have vaginal bleeding? | |
Q313C | Months of pregnancy | How many months of pregnant you had been at that time? | |
Q313D | Headache & Feel dizzy | Did you have headache and feel dizzy? | |
Q313E | Convulsions or Fits | Did you have convulsions or fits? | |
Q313F | Face swelling | Did you have face swelling? | |
Q313G | Months of pregnancy | How many months pregnant you had been at that time? | |
Q313H | Premature rupture membrane | Did you have premature rupture membrane? | |
Q313I | Months of pregnancy | How many months pregnant you had been at that time? | |
Q313J | Any assistance from a doctor/health worker | Did you get any assistance from a doctor/health worker when you had the complications? | |
Q313KA | Heart disease during pregnancy | When you were pregnant with (NAME) did you have any co-existing diseases?Heart disease? | |
Q313KB | Kidney disease during pregnancy | When you were pregnant with (NAME) did you have any co-existing diseases?Kidney disease? | |
Q313KC | Liver Disease during pregnancy | When you were pregnant with (NAME) did you have any co-existing diseases?Liver Disease/Disorder of gall bladder? | |
Q313KD | Lung Disease During Pregnancy | When you were pregnant with (NAME) did you have any co-existing diseases?Lung Disease? | |
Q313KE | Digestive Apparatus During Pregnancy | When you were pregnant with (NAME) did you have any co-existing diseases?Disease of Digestive Apparatus? | |
Q313KF | Nervous Disease During Pregnancy | When you were pregnant with (NAME) did you have any co-existing diseases?Nervous Disease? | |
Q314A | Any Iron Pills Taken | Did you receive iron pills anti anemia when you were pregnant with (NAME)? | |
Q314B | Number of Iron Pills Taken | How many iron pills did you take during your pregnancy with (NAME)? | |
Q315A | Stay in a Maternal Rest House | Did you stay in a maternal rest house before the birth of (NAME)? | |
Q315B | Place of Delivery | Where did you give birth to NAME? | |
Q315C | Assisted with the Delivery | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? | |
Q316 | Delivery by Caesarean | Was (NAME) delivered by caesarean section? | |
Q317A | Injection to intensify | At the time of the birth of (NAME), did you have injection to intensify the birth? | |
Q317B | Prolonged Contractions | Prolonged contractions lasting for more than 12 hours? | |
Q317C | Vaginal Bleeding | A lot more vaginal bleeding than normal following childbirth ? | |
Q317D | Had Blood or blood substituting solution | Did you have blood and blood substituting solution at that time? | |
Q317E | High blood pressure, Convulsions & Fits | Did you have high blood pressure, convulsions and fits? | |
Q318 | Premature Birth | Was (NAME) born on time or prematurely or post date? | |
Q319A | Child's Weight : Source | How much did (NAME) weight? Source: | |
Q319B | Child's Weight | How much did (NAME) weight? | |
Q320A | Doctor advice within 42 days | Did doctor give you advice after you delivered (NAME), within 42 days? | |
Q320BA | Advise on Breastfeeding | What kind of advice did Breastfeeding you get? | |
Q320BB | Advise on Neonatal Care | What kind of advice did Neonatal Care you get? | |
Q320BC | Advise on Family planning | What kind of advice did Family planning you get? | |
Q320BD | Advise on STD | What kind of advice did Sexually Transmitted Disease you get? | |
Q321 | Period Returned | Has your period returned since the birth of (NAME)? | |
Q322 | Period Returned Before the Next Pregnancy | Did your period return between the birth of (NAME) and the next pregnancy? | |
Q323 | Months After Birth Without Having Period | For how many months after the birth of (NAME) did you not have a period? | |
Q325 | Sexual Relations Resumed | Have you resumed sexual relations since the birth of (NAME)? | |
Q326 | Months Before Sexual Relation Resumed | How many months after the birth of (NAME) did you resume sexual relations? | |
Q327 | Ever Breastfeed | Did you ever breastfeed (NAME)? | |
Q328 | Reason Not Breastfeeding | Why did you not breastfeed (NAME)? | |
Q329 | When did you start breastfeeding | When did you start 30 breastfeeding (NAME) after giving a birth? | |
Q331A | Still Breastfeeding | Are you still breastfeeding (NAME) ? | |
Q331B | Only Breast Milk | Are you still feeding (NAME) only by breastmilk? | |
Q332A | Plain Water | At any time yesterday was (NAME) given any of the following in addition to breast milk ?Plain Water? | |
Q332B | Tinned or Fresh Milk | At any time yesterday was (NAME) given any of the following in addition to breast milk ?Tinned or Fresh Milk? | |
Q332C | Any Other Liquids | At any time yesterday was (NAME) given any of the following in addition to breast milk ?Any Other Liquids? | |
Q332D | Solid or Mushy Food | At any time yesterday was (NAME) given any of the following in addition to breast milk ?Any Solid or Mushy Food? | |
Q333A | Duration of Breastfeeding | How many months did you breastfeed (NAME)? | |
Q333B | Reason for Stopping Breastfeeding | Why did you stop breastfeeding (NAME)? | |
Q334B | Only by breastmilk for first 6 months | Did you feed (NAME) only by breastmilk for first 6 months after the birth? | |
Q335A | Receive pregnancy and maternity allowance | Did you receive pregnancy and maternity allowance for delivering "NAME"? | |
Q335B | Child care allowance | Did you receive child care allowance for delivering "NAME"? | |
Q336 | Fever in the Last 2 Weeks | Has (NAME) been ill with a fever at any time in the last 2 weeks? | |
Q337 | Cough in the Last 2 Weeks | Has (NAME) been ill with a cough at any time in the last 2 weeks? | |
Q338 | Short or Rapid Breaths | When (NAME) was ill with a cough did he/she breathe more rapidly than usual with short, rapid breaths? | |
Q339 | Advice or Treatment for Cough | Did you seek advice or treatment for the cough? | |
Q340 | Place of Advice/Treatment | Where did you seek advice or treatment?Anywhere else? | |
Q341 | Diarrhea In the Last Two Weeks | Has (NAME) had diarrhea in the last two weeks? | |
Q342 | Blood in the Stools | Was there any blood in the stools? | |
Q343 | Amount of Drink Given | Was he/she given the same amount to drink as before the diarrhea, or more, or less? | |
Q344 | Any Treatment for Diarrhea | Was anything given to treat the diarrhea? | |
Q345 | Treatment for Diarrhea | What was given to treat the diarrhea? | |
Q346 | Sought Treatment for Diarrhea | Did you seek advice or treatment for the diarrhea? | |
Q347 | Pleace of Treatment/Advice for Diarrhea | Where did you seek advice or treatment? Anywhere else? | |
Total variable(s):
93 |