Name | Label | Question |
hh_id |
Year + Quarter + Cluster + HH number
| |
ind_id |
Ind ID
| |
q0102 |
102. Relationship to head
| |
q0103 |
103. Sex
| |
q0104 |
104. Year of birth
| |
q0105y |
105. Age Yrs
| |
q0105m |
105. Age Mths
| |
q0106 |
106. Marital Status
| |
q0107 |
107. Spouse ID CODE
| |
q0108 |
108. Father ID CODE
| |
q0109 |
109. Mother ID CODE
| |
q0110a |
110 A. Days away past month
| |
q0110 |
110. Months away
| |
q0111 |
111. Is HH member?
| |
q0201 |
201. Is 6 years or more?
| |
q0202 |
202. Is answering personally?
| |
q0203 |
203. Respondent ID CODE
| |
q0204 |
204. Highest certificate obtained
| |
q0205 |
205. Can read a letter?
| |
q0206 |
206. Are you attending School?
| |
q0207 |
207. Check age/ between 8-35 years
| |
q0208 |
208. Reason never attended school
| |
q0209t |
209. Current education TYPE
| |
q0209g |
209. Current education GRADE
| |
q0210 |
210. Type of School
| |
q0211 |
211. School Location
| |
q0212 |
212. Place where person lives during school
| |
q0213 |
213. Pay tuition?
| |
q0214_1 |
214_1. Expenditures during past 12 months in room rent
| |
q0214_2 |
214_2. Expenditures during past 12 months in tuition paid by
| |
q0214_3 |
214_3. Expenditures during past 12 months in tuition paid fr
| |
q0214_4 |
214_4. Expenditures during past 12 months in books and suppl
| |
q0214_5 |
214_5. Expenditures during past 12 months in uniforms
| |
q0214_6 |
214_6. Expenditures during past 12 months in transport
| |
q0214_7 |
214_7. Expenditures during past 12 months in others
| |
q0214_8 |
214_8. Expenditures during past 12 months in TOTAL
| |
q0301 |
301. Answering personally?
| |
q0302 |
302. Respondent ID CODE
| |
q0303 |
303. Any health problem during past month?
| |
q0304a |
304_A. Health problem (1)
| |
q0304b |
304_B. Health problem (2)
| |
q0305 |
305. Did you seek treatment in past 1 M?
| |
q0306 |
306. Why didn't seek treatment?
| |
q0307 |
307. Where was treatment provided?
| |
q0308 |
308. Who provided medical service for your treatment?
| |
q309_1 |
309_1. Amount paid in facility or healt practitioner
| |
q309_2 |
309_2. Amount paid in transportation or others
| |
q0310 |
310. Have bought medicines in the past M ?
| |
q0311 |
311. Amount spent in medicines
| |
q0312 |
312. Have stayed at hospital in past 12 M?
| |
q0313 |
313. What was the Hospital ?
| |
q0314 |
314. How much did you pay for all costs
| |
q0315 |
315. Amount spent in transportation
| |
q0401 |
4.01 Respondent 10 yrs or more?
| |
q0402 |
4.02 Answering by himself?
| |
q0403 |
4.03 ID CODE of respondent
| |
q0404 |
4.04 Did you any job for the past 7 days?
| |
q0405 |
4.05 What kind of work was the main job you did?
| |
q0406 |
4.06 Any permanent job despite you did no job in last 7 day
| |
q0407 |
4.07 Main reasong for not doing job in last 7 days
| |
q0408 |
4.08 Did you look for a job in last 7 days
| |
q0409 |
4.09 Reasons for not looking for a job
| |
q0410 |
4.10 Registered in labour and social welfare dep?
| |
q0411c |
4.11 What is your main job? CODE
| |
q0412c |
4.12 Economic branch? CODE
| |
q0413 |
4.13 Nb of hours for a week on average
| |
q0414 |
4.14 Type of your organisation
| |
q0415 |
4.15 Do your receive any salary in cash and/or in kind
| |
q0416a |
4.16 Salary amount - past month
| |
q0416b |
4.16 Salary amount - past 12 months
| |
q0416c |
4.16 Bonuses and special allowances
| |