Mongolia - SISS 2018
Reference ID | DDI-MNG-NSO-EN-SISS-2018-v1.0 |
Year | 2018 |
Country | Mongolia |
Producer(s) | National Statistical Office - SGH |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - Funding of survey implementation United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - Funding of survey implementation |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Aug 02, 2019 |
Last modified | Aug 02, 2019 |
Page views | 524254 |
Downloads | 16815 |
Data Dictionary
Data File: Child age 5-17
Content | An information for children in each household to all children age 5-17 years |
Cases | 7628 |
Variable(s) | 275 |
Name | Label | Question | |
HH1 | Cluster number | ||
HH2 | Household number | ||
LN | Line number | ||
FS1 | Cluster number | ||
FS2 | Household number | ||
FS3 | Child's line number | ||
FSINT | Interviewer number | ||
FS4 | Mother / Caretaker's line number | ||
FS5 | Interviewer number | ||
FS6 | Supervisor number | ||
FS7Y | Year of interview | ||
FS7M | Month of interview | ||
FS7D | Day of interview | ||
FS9 | Respondent to another questionnaire | ||
FS10 | Consent | ||
FS17 | Result of interview for children 5-17 | ||
FS8H | Start of interview - Hour | ||
FS8M | Start of interview - Minutes | ||
FS11H | End of interview - Hour | ||
FS11M | End of interview - Minutes | ||
FS12 | Language of the Questionnaire | ||
FS13 | Language of the Interview | ||
FS14 | Native language of the Respondent | ||
FS15 | Translator used | ||
FSHINT | Household interviewer | ||
FSFIN | Finish | ||
CB2Y | Year of birth of child | In what month and year was (name) born? | |
CB2M | Month of birth of child | In what month and year was (name) born? | |
CB3 | Age of child | How old is (name)? | |
CB4 | Ever attended school or early childhood programme | Has (name) ever attended school or any early childhood education programme? | |
CB5A | Highest level of education attended | What is the highest level and grade or year of school (name) has ever attended? | |
CB5B | Highest grade attended at that level | What is the highest level and grade or year of school (name) has ever attended? | |
CB6 | Ever completed that grade/year | Did (name) ever complete that (grade/year)? | |
CB6A | Ever completed that level | Did (name) ever complete that school? | |
CB7 | Attended school or early childhood programme during current (2018/2019) school year | At any time during the 2018/2019 school year did (name) attend school or any early childhood education programme? | |
CB8A | Level of education attended during current (2018/2019) school year | During 2018/2019 school year, which level and grade or year is (name) attending? | |
CB8B | Grade attended at that level attended during current (2018/2019) school year | During 2018/2019 school year, which level and grade or year is (name) attending? | |
CB9 | Attended school or early childhood programme during previous (2017/2018) school year | At any time during the 2017/2018 school year did (name) attend school or any early childhood education programme? | |
CB10A | Level of education attended during previous (2017/2018) school year | During 2017/2018 school year, which level and grade or year did (name) attend? | |
CB10B | Grade attended at that level attended during previous (2017/2018) school year | During 2017/2018 school year, which level and grade or year did (name) attend? | |
CL1A | Worked or helped on garden in past week | Now I would like to ask about any work (name) may do. Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following activities, even for only one hour? Did (name) do any work or help on (his/her) own or the household's plot, farm, food garden or looked after animals? For example, growing farm produce, harvesting, or feeding, grazing or milking animals? | |
CL1B | Helped in family business in past week | Now I would like to ask about any work (name) may do. Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following activities, even for only one hour? Did (name) help in a family business or a relative's business with or without pay, or run (his/her) own business? | |
CL1C | Produced or sold articles in past week | Now I would like to ask about any work (name) may do. Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following activities, even for only one hour? Did (name) produce or sell articles, handicrafts, clothes, food or agricultural products? | |
CL1X | Engaged in any other activity for income in past week | Now I would like to ask about any work (name) may do. Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following activities, even for only one hour? Since last (day of the week), did (name) engage in any other activity in return for income in cash or in kind, even for only one hour? | |
CL3 | Hours worked in past week | Since last (day of the week) about how many hours did (name) engage in (this activity/these activities), in total? | |
CL4 | Activities required carrying heavy loads | (Does the activity/Do these activities) require carrying heavy loads? | |
CL5 | Activities required working with dangerous tools or heavy machinery | (Does the activity/Do these activities) require working with dangerous tools such as knives and similar or operating heavy machinery? | |
CL6A | Description of work: exposed to dust, fumes, or gas | How would you describe the work environment of (name)? Particarly: | |
CL6B | Description of work: exposed to extreme temperatures or humidity | How would you describe the work environment of (name)? Particarly: | |
CL6C | Description of work: exposed to loud noise or vibration | How would you describe the work environment of (name)? Particarly: | |
CL6D | Description of work: required to work at heights | How would you describe the work environment of (name)? Particarly: | |
CL6E | Description of work: required to work with chemicals | How would you describe the work environment of (name)? Particarly: | |
CL6X | Description of work: exposed to other | How would you describe the work environment of (name)? Particarly: | |
CL7 | Fetched water in past week | Since last (day of the week), did (name) fetch water for household use? | |
CL8 | Hours spent fetching water in past week | In total, how many hours did (name) spend on fetching water for household use, since last (day of the week)? | |
CL9 | Collected firewood in past week | Since last (day of the week), did (name) collect firewood for household use? | |
CL10 | Hours spent collecting firewood in past week | In total, how many hours did (name) spend on collecting firewood for household use, since last (day of the week)? | |
CL11A | Household chores in past week: shopping | Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following for this household? | |
CL11B | Household chores in past week: cooking | Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following for this household? | |
CL11C | Household chores in past week: washing dishes or cleaning around the house | Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following for this household? | |
CL11D | Household chores in past week: washing clothes | Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following for this household? | |
CL11E | Household chores in past week: caring for children | Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following for this household? | |
CL11F | Household chores in past week: caring for old or sick | Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following for this household? | |
CL11X | Household chores in past week: other household tasks | Since last (day of the week), did (name) do any of the following for this household? | |
CL13 | Number of hours engaged in past week | Since last (day of the week), about how many hours did (name) engage in (this activity/these activities), in total? | |
FCD2A | Took away privileges | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD2B | Explained why behaviour was wrong | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD2C | Shook child | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD2D | Shouted, yelled or screamed at child | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD2E | Gave child something else to do | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD2F | Spanked, hit or slapped child on bottom with bare hand | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD2G | Hit child on the bottom or elsewhere with belt, brush, stick, etc. | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD2H | Called child dumb, lazy or another name | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD2I | Hit or slapped child on the face, head or ears | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD2J | Hit or slapped child on the hand, arm or leg | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD2K | Beat child up as hard as one could | Now I'd like to talk to you about something else. Adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used. Please tell me if you or any other adult in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month. | |
FCD3 | Mother / Caretaker of another child age under 5 | Check FS4: Is this respondent the mother or caretaker of any other children under age 5? | |
FCD4 | Already responded to question UCD5 | Check FS4: Has this respondent already responded to the following question (UCD5) for another child? | |
FCD5 | Child needs to be physically punished to be brought up properly | Do you believe that in order to bring up, raise, or educate a child properly, the child needs to be physically punished? | |
FCF1 | Child wear glasses or contact lenses | I would like to ask you some questions about difficulties (name) may have. Does (name) wear glasses or contact lenses? | |
FCF2 | Child uses hearing aid | Does (name) use a hearing aid? | |
FCF3 | Child uses any equipment or receive assistance for walking | Does (name) use any equipment or receive assistance for walking? | |
FCF6 | Child has difficulty seeing | When wearing (his/her) glasses or contact lenses, does (name) have difficulty seeing? Does (name) have difficulty seeing? | |
FCF8 | Child has difficulty hearing sounds like people voices or music | When using (his/her) hearing aid(s), does (name) have difficulty hearing sounds like peoples' voices or music? Does (name) have difficulty hearing sounds like peoples' voices or music? | |
FCF10 | Without using equipment or assistance child has difficulty walking 100 yards | Without (his/her) equipment or assistance, does (name) have difficulty walking 100 meters on level ground? | |
FCF11 | Without using equipment or assistance child has difficulty walking 500 yards | Without (his/her) equipment or assistance, does (name) have difficulty walking 500 meters on level ground? | |
FCF12 | When using equipment or assistance child has difficulty walking 100 yards | With (his/her) equipment or assistance, does (name) have difficulty walking 100 meters on level ground? | |
FCF13 | When using equipment or assistance child has difficulty walking 500 yards | With (his/her) equipment or assistance, does (name) have difficulty walking 500 meters on level ground? | |
FCF14 | Compared with children of the same age, child has difficulty walking 100 yards | Compared with children of the same age, does (name) have difficulty walking 100 meters on level ground? | |
FCF15 | Compared with children of the same age, child has difficulty walking 500 yards | Compared with children of the same age, does (name) have difficulty walking 500 meters/half kilometer on level ground? | |
FCF16 | Child has difficulty with self-care such as feeding or dressing | Does (name) have difficulty with self-care such as feeding or dressing (himself/herself)? | |
FCF17 | Child has difficulty being understood by people inside of this household | When (name) speaks, does (he/she) have difficulty being understood by people inside of this household? | |
FCF18 | Child has difficulty being understood by people outside of this household | When (name) speaks, does (he/she) have difficulty being understood by people outside of this household? | |
FCF19 | Compared with children of the same age, child has difficulty learning things | Compared to children of same age, does (Name) have difficulty in learning things? | |
FCF20 | Compared with children of the same age, child has difficulty remembering things | Compared with children of the same age, does (name) have difficulty remembering things? | |
FCF21 | Child has difficulty concentrating on an activity that he/she enjoys | Does (name) have difficulty concentrating on an activity that (he/she) enjoys doing? | |
FCF22 | Child has difficulty accepting changes in his/her routine | Does (name) have difficulty accepting changes in (his/her) routine? | |
FCF23 | Compared with children of the same age, child have difficulty controlling his/her behaviour | Compared with children of the same age, does (name) have difficulty controlling (his/her) behaviour? | |
FCF24 | Child has difficulty making friends | Does (name) have difficulty making friends? | |
FCF25 | How often child seems very anxious, nervous or worried | Next 2 questions have 5 different options. I will ask questions first and then read for you each of the answers. I would like to know how often (name) seems very anxious, nervous or worried. Would you say: daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year or never? | |
Total variable(s):
275 |