First meeting of Ulaanbaatar city group August 20-22, 2012
The joint initiative of Mongolia and Australia to establish “Ulaanbaatar city group on statistics for Economies based on natural resources” has been discussed and endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission during its 43rd session.
In recent years, representatives from national statistical agencies have started to meet informally to address selected problems in statistical methods. Some of these groups have become formally known as "city groups". City groups bring together experts primarily from national statistical agencies, and the Ulaanbaatar city group will gather experts from countries where natural resources and mining are significantly impacting their economies.
The primary goals of the Ulaanbaatar city group are to play a leading role in developing methodological and practical guidelines on statistical measurement. The group will also make recommendations by establishing best practice in concepts and methods to track mining industry activities, investment in mining, accurately measuring industry contribution to the economy and assessing mining impacts on other social and economic sectors within the framework of the System of National Accounts.
We welcome you to attend the First meeting of Ulaanbaatar city group to be held from August 20-22 this year in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia.