Name | Label | Question |
HH1 |
Household registration number
| |
HH2 |
Cluster number
| |
HH3 |
Household number
| |
HL1 |
Line number
| |
HL2 |
| |
HL3 |
Household head relationship
| |
HL4 |
| |
HL5Y |
Date of birth: Year
| |
HL5M |
Date of birth: Month
| |
HL5D |
Date of birth: Day
| |
HL6 |
| |
HL7 |
Did (name) watch TV in the last 24 hours?
| |
HL8 |
How many hours did (name) watch TV in the last 24 hours?
| |
HL9 |
Did (name) use phone in the last 24 hours?
| |
HL10 |
How many hours did (name) use phone in the last 24 hours?
| |
HL11 |
Did (name) use computer, laptop, or notebook in the last 24 hours?
| |
HL12 |
How many hours did (name) spend for using computer, laptop or tablet in the last 24 hours?
| |
HL13A |
Where and who look after (name): Kinedergarten
| |
HL13B |
Where and who look after (name): At home, father
| |
HL13C |
Where and who look after (name): At home, mother
| |
HL13D |
Where and who look after (name): At home, other household member
| |
HL13E |
Where and who look after (name): At home, babysitter
| |
HL13F |
Where and who look after (name): At home, alone
| |
HL13G |
Where and who look after (name): At other's home
| |
HL14 |
How many hours spent for looking after (name) in the last 7 days?
| |
HL15A |
Who did help (name)'s homework: Father
| |
HL15B |
Who did help (name)'s homework: Mother
| |
HL15C |
Who did help (name)'s homework: Other household member
| |
HL15D |
Who did help (name)'s homework: No one helped
| |
HL15E |
Who did help (name)'s homework: Not studied in school
| |
HL16 |
How many hours spent for helping (name)'s homework in the last 7 days?
| |
HL17 |
Line number of children aged under 5 years
| |
HL18 |
Line number of children's mother/ caretaker
| |
HL19 |
Line number of person aged 12 years and over
| |
HL20 |
Possibility to participate the survey (diary)
| |
HL21 |
Is he/ she 12 years and over?
| |
ED1 |
Is (name) currently attending school or ECE program/ has (name) ever attended school or ECE program?
| |
ED2 |
Main reason of not attended school or ECE program
| |
ED2: Other
| |
ED3 |
What is the highest level of (name)'s education completed?
| |
HE1 |
Does (name) wear glasses or contact lenses?
| |
HE2 |
Does (name) has difficulty seeing (when using glasses or contact lenses)
| |
HE3 |
Does (name) use hearing aid?
| |
HE4 |
Does (name) has difficulty hearing (when using hearing aid)
| |
HE5 |
Does (name) has difficulty walking or climbing steps?
| |
HE6 |
Does (name) has difficulty remembering or concentrating?
| |
HE7 |
Does (name) has difficulty with self-care?
| |
HE8 |
Does (name) has difficulty communicating while using usual language?
| |
MS1 |
Is he/ she 15 years and over?
| |
MS2 |
Current marital status
| |
MS3 |
Does (name) live with spouse or partner?
| |
MS4 |
Does (name) have children?
| |
MS5 |
How many children aged under 16 years are now living with (name)?
| |
EP1 |
In the last 7 days, did (name) do any work for a wage, salary, or any other pay, even if only for one hour?
| |
EP2 |
In the last 7 days, did (name) run or do any kind of business, farming or other activity to generate income, even if only for one hour?
| |
EP3 |
Check EP1-EP2: answered 'YES' in any question EP1 or EP2
| |
EP4 |
Do (name) have a paid regular job or business, although (name) did not do any job or business in the last 7 days?
| |
EP5 |
In the last 7 days, did (name) have other one job or business in mentioned before?
| |
EP6 |
What kind of work does (name) usually do in his/ her job/ business?
| |
EP6_iscocode |
ISCO code
| |
EP7 |
What is the main activity of the business or establishment where (name) works?
| |
EP7_isiccode |
ISIC code
| |
EP8 |
Status in employment
| |
EP9 |
Place of work
| |
EP10A |
Working hour in the last 7 days: Main job
| |
EP10B |
Working hour in the last 7 days: Secondary job
| |
EP10C |
Working hour in the last 7 days: Total
| |
EP11A |
Monthly salary (after tax and deduction): Main job
| |
EP11B |
Monthly salary (after tax and deduction): Secondary job
| |
EP12 |
Is (name) working age?
| |
EP13 |
Did (name) work if a job or business opportunity become available in the last 14 days?
| |
EP14 |
What is the main reason of (name) did not available to work in the last 14 days?
| |
EP15 |
Did (name) do anything to find a paid job or start a business in the last 30 days?
| |
EP16 |
Why (name) did not try to find a paid job or start a business in the last 30 days?
| |
HH16 |
Result of household interview
| |
hhweight |
Household's sampling weight
| |
pweight |
Person's sampling weight
| |