Name | Label | Question |
identif |
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en |
enterprice ID
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q0403 |
Please name the production, trade, and service?
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q0404 |
How many percent of share of this production, trade, and service do your househ
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q0405 |
How many members of your household work here?
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q0406 |
How many people, besides your household members, did you let work here in the l
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q0407_01 |
Salary of employees
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q0407_02 |
Good for resale
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q0407_03 |
Raw materials
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q0407_04 |
Gasoline, fuel
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q0407_05 |
Steam, water, electricity, power, heating
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q0407_06 |
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q0407_07 |
Apartment/house rent
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q0407_08 |
Spare parts
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q0407_09 |
Repair and maintenance
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q0407_10 |
Tax, fee, patent, license, insurance
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q0407_11 |
Other expense (Transportation cost, post, communication, internet, loan interes
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q0407_99 |
Total expense
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q0408 |
For how many months during the last 12 months did you run this production, trad
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q0409_1a |
Tugrugs:12 months before the interview
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q0409_1b |
Months:12 months before the interview
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q0409_2a |
Tugrugs:11 months before the interview
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q0409_2b |
Months:11 months before the interview
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q0409_3a |
Tugrugs:10 months before the interview
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q0409_3b |
Months:10 months before the interview
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q0409_4a |
Tugrugs:9 months before the interview
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q0409_4b |
Months:9 months before the interview
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q0409_5a |
Tugrugs:8 months before the interview
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q0409_5b |
Months:8 months before the interview
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q0409_6a |
Tugrugs:7 months before the interview
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q0409_6b |
Months:7 months before the interview
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q0409_7a |
Tugrugs:6 months before the interview
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q0409_7b |
Months:6 months before the interview
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q0409_8a |
Tugrugs:5 months before the interview
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q0409_8b |
Months:5 months before the interview
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q0409_9a |
Tugrugs:4 months before the interview
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q0409_9b |
Months:4 months before the interview
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q0409_10a |
Tugrugs:3 months before the interview
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q0409_10b |
Months:3 months before the interview
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q0409_11a |
Tugrugs:2 months before the interview
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q0409_11b |
Months:2 months before the interview
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q0409_12a |
Tugrugs:1 months before the interview
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q0409_12b |
Months:1 months before the interview
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q0410 |
TOTAL SALES IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS (1+2+3+….+11+12)
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