Монгол Улс - ХХС 2005
Судалгааны дугаар | MNG-NSO-EN-MICS2005-v1.0 |
Он | 2005 |
Улс | Монгол Улс |
Гүйцэтгэгч | Үндэсний Статистикийн Хороо |
Түнш | НҮБ-ын Хүүхдийн Сан - НҮБХС - Судалгааг зохион байгуулахад санхүүгийн туслалцаа Монгол Улсын Сангийн Яам - СЯ - Судалгааг зохион байгуула |
Судалгаа | |
Мета мэдээлэл | DDI татах RDF татах |
Үүссэн огноо | Aug 02, 2013 |
Сүүлд шинэчилсэн огноо | Jul 08, 2014 |
Хуудасын тоо | 335780 |
Татагдсан тоо | 15908 |
Гэр бүл болсон удаа
Файл: Woman
Файл: Woman
Ерөнхий мэдээлэл
Салангид Талбарын төрөл: numeric Өргөн: 1 Аравтын бутархай: 0 Хүрээ: 1-9 | Тохиолдлууд: 5332 (5324.1) Хүчингүй: 2725 (2737.5) Хамгийн бага: 1 Хамгийн их: 2 |
Өрхийн ер нь хүнтэй гэр бүл болж байсан 15-49 насны бүх эмэгтэйчүүд
Мэдээллийн эх үүсвэр
Судалгаанд хамрагдвал зохих эмэгтэй
Утга | Ангилал | Ажиглалтын тоо | Weighted | |
1 | Нэг удаа | 5007 | 5000 | |
2 | 2 ба түүнээс дээш | 325 | 324 | |
Sysmiss | 2725 | 2737 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Асуулт болон зааврууд
Та хэдэн удаа гэр бүл болж байсан бэ?
Ярилцлагын заавар
As with MA1, we are interested in formal marriages as well as informal arrangements. If a woman was married or lived with a man and then was widowed, divorced, or separated from her husband or partner and is now either married to or living with someone else, circle 'More than once'. If a woman is not currently married or in an informal union but she was previously married or living with someone else two or more times, record 'More than once' by circling '2'. If she has married or lived with someone else only once, circle '1.'
Note that the question refers to periods of marriage or informal unions, and not to numbers of husbands or partners. If a woman was married to a man and divorced from him, and then married to the same person again, she should be considered as having married 'More than once'. The same applies to informal unions with the same person.
Note that the question refers to periods of marriage or informal unions, and not to numbers of husbands or partners. If a woman was married to a man and divorced from him, and then married to the same person again, she should be considered as having married 'More than once'. The same applies to informal unions with the same person.