Монгол Улс - ХХС 2005
Судалгааны дугаар | MNG-NSO-EN-MICS2005-v1.0 |
Он | 2005 |
Улс | Монгол Улс |
Гүйцэтгэгч | Үндэсний Статистикийн Хороо |
Түнш | НҮБ-ын Хүүхдийн Сан - НҮБХС - Судалгааг зохион байгуулахад санхүүгийн туслалцаа Монгол Улсын Сангийн Яам - СЯ - Судалгааг зохион байгуула |
Судалгаа | |
Мета мэдээлэл | DDI татах RDF татах |
Үүссэн огноо | Aug 02, 2013 |
Сүүлд шинэчилсэн огноо | Jul 08, 2014 |
Хуудасын тоо | 335741 |
Татагдсан тоо | 15908 |
Дахиж хүүхэдтэй болохыг хүсч байна
Файл: Woman
Файл: Woman
Ерөнхий мэдээлэл
Салангид Талбарын төрөл: numeric Өргөн: 1 Аравтын бутархай: 0 Хүрээ: 1-8 | Тохиолдлууд: 6103 (6100.3) Хүчингүй: 1954 (1961.3) Хамгийн бага: 1 Хамгийн их: 8 |
Өрхийн 15-49 насны бүх эмэгтэйчүүд
Мэдээллийн эх үүсвэр
Судалгаанд хамрагдвал зохих эмэгтэй
Утга | Ангилал | Ажиглалтын тоо | Weighted | |
1 | Дахиж хүүхэдтэй болохыг хүсч байна | 1189 | 1195 | |
2 | Дахиж хүүхэдтэй болохыг хүсэхгүй байна | 4188 | 4175 | |
3 | Жирэмсэн болж чадахгүй | 213 | 213 | |
8 | Шийдээгүй байгаа/мэдэхгүй | 513 | 517 | |
Sysmiss | 1954 | 1961 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Асуулт болон зааврууд
a. Одоо та дахиж хүүхэдтэй болохыг хүсч байна уу?
b. Хэрэв эмэгтэй одоогоор жирэмсэн бол: Та энэ төрөх хүүхдийнхээ дараа дахиж хүүхэдтэй болохыг хүсч байна уу?
b. Хэрэв эмэгтэй одоогоор жирэмсэн бол: Та энэ төрөх хүүхдийнхээ дараа дахиж хүүхэдтэй болохыг хүсч байна уу?
Post question
2, 8 гэж хариулсан ба асуулт CP1-ийн хариулт 1 бол бүлэг DV руу үсэр,
2, 8 гэж хариулсан ба асуулт CP1-ийн хариулт 2, 8 бол асуулт CP4E руу үсэр,
3 гэж хариулсан бол бүлэг DV руу үсэр.
2, 8 гэж хариулсан ба асуулт CP1-ийн хариулт 2, 8 бол асуулт CP4E руу үсэр,
3 гэж хариулсан бол бүлэг DV руу үсэр.
Ярилцлагын заавар
Ask the question choosing the appropriate wording, based on what you know about the woman. If she is not pregnant, and has no living children, ask: "Now I would like to ask some questions about the future. Would you like to have a child or would you prefer not to have any children?" Ask the entire question before accepting an answer.
If she is not pregnant and has one or more children, you will have to word the question differently, saying "Would you like to have another child or would you prefer not to have any more children?"
Circle the code corresponding to the response given. Note that each response leads to a different skip instruction. If the woman wants to have a/another child, you should circle '1' and continue to the next question. If she wants no more children or does not want to have children at all, you should circle '2' and skip to CP4D. If she says she cannot get pregnant, circle '3' and skip to the next module. If she is undecided or does not know, circle '8' and skip to CP4D.
For women who are currently pregnant, ask the question, worded slightly differently: Now I would like to ask some questions about the future. After the child you are now expecting, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any (more) children?
Note that we want to make sure that pregnant women do not think that we are asking them if they want the child they are pregnant with now. Response categories and skip instructions are the same.
If she is not pregnant and has one or more children, you will have to word the question differently, saying "Would you like to have another child or would you prefer not to have any more children?"
Circle the code corresponding to the response given. Note that each response leads to a different skip instruction. If the woman wants to have a/another child, you should circle '1' and continue to the next question. If she wants no more children or does not want to have children at all, you should circle '2' and skip to CP4D. If she says she cannot get pregnant, circle '3' and skip to the next module. If she is undecided or does not know, circle '8' and skip to CP4D.
For women who are currently pregnant, ask the question, worded slightly differently: Now I would like to ask some questions about the future. After the child you are now expecting, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any (more) children?
Note that we want to make sure that pregnant women do not think that we are asking them if they want the child they are pregnant with now. Response categories and skip instructions are the same.