Монгол Улс - ХХС 2005
Судалгааны дугаар | MNG-NSO-EN-MICS2005-v1.0 |
Он | 2005 |
Улс | Монгол Улс |
Гүйцэтгэгч | Үндэсний Статистикийн Хороо |
Түнш | НҮБ-ын Хүүхдийн Сан - НҮБХС - Судалгааг зохион байгуулахад санхүүгийн туслалцаа Монгол Улсын Сангийн Яам - СЯ - Судалгааг зохион байгуула |
Судалгаа | |
Мета мэдээлэл | DDI татах RDF татах |
Үүссэн огноо | Aug 02, 2013 |
Сүүлд шинэчилсэн огноо | Jul 08, 2014 |
Хуудасын тоо | 335941 |
Татагдсан тоо | 15908 |
Гар аргаар хийсэн тоглоом
Файл: Child
Файл: Child
Ерөнхий мэдээлэл
Салангид Талбарын төрөл: character Өргөн: 1 | Тохиолдлууд: 941 (937.7) Хүчингүй: 0 (0) |
Өрхийн 0-4 насны бүх хүүхдүүд
Мэдээллийн эх үүсвэр
Судалгаанд хамрагдвал зохих хүүхдийн эх/асран хамгаалагч
Утга | Ангилал | Ажиглалтын тоо | Weighted | |
C | Гар аргаар хийсэн тоглоом | 941 | 938 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Асуулт болон зааврууд
(Нэр) гэртээ байхдаа юугаар тоглодог вэ? Гар аргаар хийсэн тоглоом болох хүүхэлдэй, машин, гэртээ хийсэн бусад тоглоом г.м-ээр тоглодог уу?
Ярилцлагын заавар
This question is used to learn about different types of playthings used by the child. We want to know if the child has objects to play with, and what these are, even if they do not include store-bought toys. We are interested in learning about other objects that are used as playthings, such as ordinary household objects and natural materials.
Extra care should be taken to ask this question and record the responses. Experience has shown that respondents find it very easy to give the same answer to a list of different playthings. Often they will answer 'Yes' to all items, whether or not it is true, perhaps because they think this is the 'correct' response or one that will please the interviewer.
After asking 'What does he/she play with?" do not pause; start asking whether the child plays with playthings from each of the categories listed. For example, ask: "Does he/she play with household objects, such as bowls, plates, cups or pots?" and so on.
Use below codes:
'A' - HH objects
'B' - Objects and materials found outside the living quarters
'C' - Homemade toys
'D' - Toys that came from a store
'Y' - No playthings
If the respondent answers 'Yes' to any of these prompted categories, then probe to learn specifically what the child plays with to ascertain the response. For example, probe by saying "What does he/she specifically play with?" or "Can you please give an example?" If you ascertain that the child uses playthings that would fall into each of the prompted categories, circle the appropriate code.
Circle 'Y' if the child does not play with any of the items mentioned. Note that if 'Y' is circled, none of the other codes should be circled.
Extra care should be taken to ask this question and record the responses. Experience has shown that respondents find it very easy to give the same answer to a list of different playthings. Often they will answer 'Yes' to all items, whether or not it is true, perhaps because they think this is the 'correct' response or one that will please the interviewer.
After asking 'What does he/she play with?" do not pause; start asking whether the child plays with playthings from each of the categories listed. For example, ask: "Does he/she play with household objects, such as bowls, plates, cups or pots?" and so on.
Use below codes:
'A' - HH objects
'B' - Objects and materials found outside the living quarters
'C' - Homemade toys
'D' - Toys that came from a store
'Y' - No playthings
If the respondent answers 'Yes' to any of these prompted categories, then probe to learn specifically what the child plays with to ascertain the response. For example, probe by saying "What does he/she specifically play with?" or "Can you please give an example?" If you ascertain that the child uses playthings that would fall into each of the prompted categories, circle the appropriate code.
Circle 'Y' if the child does not play with any of the items mentioned. Note that if 'Y' is circled, none of the other codes should be circled.