Монгол Улс - ХХС 2005
Судалгааны дугаар | MNG-NSO-EN-MICS2005-v1.0 |
Он | 2005 |
Улс | Монгол Улс |
Гүйцэтгэгч | Үндэсний Статистикийн Хороо |
Түнш | НҮБ-ын Хүүхдийн Сан - НҮБХС - Судалгааг зохион байгуулахад санхүүгийн туслалцаа Монгол Улсын Сангийн Яам - СЯ - Судалгааг зохион байгуула |
Судалгаа | |
Мета мэдээлэл | DDI татах RDF татах |
Үүссэн огноо | Aug 02, 2013 |
Сүүлд шинэчилсэн огноо | Jul 08, 2014 |
Хуудасын тоо | 336123 |
Татагдсан тоо | 15908 |
Person fetching water
Файл: Child
Файл: Child
Ерөнхий мэдээлэл
Салангид Талбарын төрөл: numeric Өргөн: 1 Аравтын бутархай: 0 Хүрээ: 1-9 | Тохиолдлууд: 2931 Хүчингүй: 637 Хамгийн бага: 1 Хамгийн их: 8 |
Households which don't have source of drinking water as piped into dwelling or piped into yard or plot
Мэдээллийн эх үүсвэр
Head of household or other responsible household member
Утга | Ангилал | Ажиглалтын тоо | |
1 | Adult woman | 989 | |
2 | Adult man | 1554 | |
3 | Female child (under 15) | 148 | |
4 | Male child (under 15) | 238 | |
8 | Don't know | 2 | |
Sysmiss | 637 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Асуулт болон зааврууд
Who usually goes to this source to fetch the water for your household?
Is this person aged under 15 years? What sex?
Is this person aged under 15 years? What sex?
Ярилцлагын заавар
The purpose of this question is to know the age and gender of the person who usually performs the task of hauling water. This will give an understanding of whether water hauling responsibilities are given to members of a particular sex or age group.
Circle the code that corresponds with the response or '8' if the respondent does not know. Adult refers to anyone age 15 or over, regardless of whether he/she is a household member. Child refers to anyone under the age of 15, regardless of whether he/she is a household member.
Circle the code that corresponds with the response or '8' if the respondent does not know. Adult refers to anyone age 15 or over, regardless of whether he/she is a household member. Child refers to anyone under the age of 15, regardless of whether he/she is a household member.