Нэр | Тайлбар | Асуулт |
item |
Food Item code
| |
q1601 |
1601. Acquired food item
Have the household members consumed ..[ITEM].. during the past 12 months?
q1602 |
1602. Stock at the beginning of the month
How much [ITEM] do you have in stock now?
q1603 |
1603. Have you bought food during the past month
Have you bought ..[ITEM].. during the past month?
q1604 |
1604. How much bought of food
How much ..[ITEM] have you bought during the past month?
q1605 |
1605. Unit price of that quantity bought
What was the unit price of that quantity bought during the past month?
q1606 |
1606. Produced
During the past month, how much was produced by the household members?
q1607 |
1607. Received free
During the past month, how much was received free?
q1608 |
1608. Sold
During the past month, how much was sold?
q1609 |
1609. Given to others
During the past month, how much was given to others?
q1610 |
1610. What's the current stock of food
What's the current stock of [ITEM]?
q1611 |
1611. Consumption
| |
unit |
Unit of measure
| |
item |
Хоолны нэр төрөл
| |
s17yn |
Auxiliary 'Consumed? Y/N'
| |
q1701_1 |
1701_1 Нийт хэрэглээ
| |
q1701_2 |
1701_2 Худал-дан авсан
| |
q1701_3 |
1701_3 Бусдаас үнэгүй авсан
| |
q1701_4 |
1701_4 Өөрийн аж ахуйгаас хэрэглэсэн
| |
q1702_1 |
1702_1 Нийт хэрэглээ
| |
q1702_2 |
1702_2 Худал-дан авсан
| |
q1702_3 |
1702_3 Бусдаас үнэгүй авсан
| |
q1702_4 |
1702_4 Өөрийн аж ахуйгаас хэрэглэсэн
| |
q1703_1 |
1703_1 Нийт хэрэглээ
| |
q1703_2 |
1703_2 Худал-дан авсан
| |
q1703_3 |
1703_3 Бусдаас үнэгүй авсан
| |
q1703_4 |
1703_4 Өөрийн аж ахуйгаас хэрэглэсэн
| |
q1704 |
| |
unit |
Unit of measure
| |
item |
Food Item code
| |
q1801 |
1801. Consumed food during the past 12 months
Have the household members consumed ..[ITEM].. During the past 12 months?
q1802 |
1802. Bought food during the past month
Have you bought ..[ITEM].. during the past month?
q1803 |
1803. How much bought of food
How much ..[ITEM] have you bought during the past month?
q1804 |
1804. Unit price of that quantity bought
What was the unit price of that quantity bought during the past month?
q1805 |
1805. Stock at the beginning of the month
During the past month, how much was the stock of [ITEM] at the beginning of the month?
q1806 |
1806. Produced
During the past month, how much was produced by the household members?
q1807 |
1807. Received free
During the past month, how much was received free?
q1808 |
1808. Sold
During the past month, how much was sold?
q1809 |
1809. Given to others
During the past month, how much was given to others?
q1810 |
1810. What's the current stock of food
What's the current stock of [ITEM]?
q1811 |
1811. Consumption
| |
unit |
Unit of measure
| |
item |
Нэр төрлийн дугаар
| |
q1901 |
1901. Танай өрх сүүлийн 7 хоногт [НЭР ТӨРӨЛ] хэрэглэсэн үү.
| |
q1902 |
1902. Сүүлийн 7 хоногт [НЭР ТӨРӨЛ] хэдий хэмжээгээр хэрэглэсэн бэ?
| |
q1903 |
1903. Худалдан авсанаас хэрэглэсэн
| |
q1904 |
1904. Худалдан авсан нэгжийн үнэ
| |
q1905 |
1905. Бусдаас үнэгүй авсанаас хэрэглэсэн
| |
q1906 |
1906. Өөрийн аж ахуйгаас хэрэглэсэн
| |
unit |
Unit of measure
| |