Name | Label | Question |
HC10A |
Own watch
Does any member of your household own watch?
HC10B |
Own bicycle
Does any member of your household own bicycle?
HC10C |
Own motorcycle or scooter
Does any member of your household own motorcycle or scooter?
HC10D |
Own animal-drawn cart
Does any member of your household own animal-drawn cart?
HC10EA |
Own tractor
Does any member of your household own tractor?
HC10EB |
Own car/truck
Does any member of your household own car/truck?
HC10F |
Own boat with a motor
Does any member of your household own boat with a motor?
HC11 |
Own land for agriculture
Does any member of this household own any land that can be used for agriculture?
HC12U |
Measurement of agricultural land
How many hectares or of agricultural land do members of your household own?
HC12N |
Size of agricultural land
How many hectares or of agricultural land do members of your household own?
HC13 |
Has livestock, herds or farm animals
Does this household own any livestock, herds, or farm animals?
HC14A |
Number of cattle
How many of cattles does this household have?
HC14AA |
Number of milk cows
How many of milk cows does this household have?
HC14AB |
Number of bulls
How many of bulls does this household have?
HC14B |
Number of horses
How many of horses does this household have?
HC14C |
Number of goats
How many of goats does this household have?
HC14D |
Number of sheep
How many of sheep does this household have?
HC14E |
Number of camels
How many of camels does this household have?
HC14F |
Number of chickens
How many of chickens does this household have?
HC14G |
Number of pigs
How many of pigs does this household have?
HC14X |
Number of other animals
How many of other animals does this household have?