Name | Label | Question |
Q0201 |
201. 6 years or more
NAME]..'s age is 6 years or more?
Q0202 |
202. Answering personally
Is this member answering personally?
Q0203 |
203. Respondent id code
| |
Q0204 |
204. Highest certificate obtained
What is highest education/qualification level achieved?
Q0205 |
205. Read a letter
Can you / [NAME] read a letter? Or Are you literate?
Q0206 |
206. Attend a school
Are you currently attending school?
Q0207 |
207. Check age/ between 8-35 years
| |
Q0208 |
208. Reason never attended school
Why did you / [NAME] never attend school?
Q0209t |
209. Current education type
Which school are you attending in now?
Q0209g |
209. Current education grade
What grade are you in now?
Q0210 |
210. Type of school
What is the ownership of your /.[[NAME]..'s school?
Q0211 |
211. School location
Where is your /..[NAME]..'s school located?
Q0212 |
212. Place where person lives during school
Where do you / does ..[NAME] while attending school?
Q0213 |
213. Distance to school (km)
How far away from where you live /..[NAME].. lives during the school term is it to your /..[NAME]'s school?
Q0214 |
214. Time to get to school (min)
How long does it take you /..[NAME].. to travel from where you/[NAME] live(s) during the school term to this school?
Q0215 |
215. Mode of transport to school
How do you (/ does.. [NAME]..) normally go to school?
Q0216 |
216. Pay tuition
Do you/Does …[NAME]... pay any tuition?
Q0217 |
217. Loan for educational expenses
Did you / [NAME] receive any loan for tuition during the past 12 months?
Q0218 |
218. Loan source
From whom did you/[NAME] receive loan?
Q0219 |
219. Loan in tuition in past 12 months
How much was that loan for tuition during the past 12 months?
Q0220 |
220. Received assistance
Did you receive any assistance in tuition during the past 12 months?
Q0221 |
221. Assistance source
From whom did you/[NAME] receive assistance?
Q0222 |
222. Assistance place
From was where the assistance sent or given?
Q0223 |
223. Amount received as assistance for tuition
How much was that assistance for tuition in total during the past 12 months?
Q0224 |
224. Other assistance for educ expenses
Did you/[NAME] receive any assistance in other educational expenses?
Q0225 |
225. Other assistance source
From whom did you/[NAME] receive assistance?
Q0226 |
226. From was where the assistance
From was where the assistance sent or given?
Q0227 |
227. Amount received as assistance for other
How much was that assistance for other educational expenses in total during the past 12 months?
Q0228_1 |
228_1. Expenditures during past 12 months in room rent
How much has your household spent during the last 12 months on your room rent?
Q0228_2 |
228_2. Expenditures during past 12 months in tuition
How much has your household spent during the last 12 months on your tuition?
Q0228_3 |
228_3. Expenditures during past 12 months in books and suppl
How much has your household spent during the last 12 months on your books and supplies?
Q0228_4 |
228_4. Expenditures during past 12 months in uniforms
How much has your household spent during the last 12 months on your uniforms?
Q0228_5 |
228_5. Expenditures during past 12 months in transport
How much has your household spent during the last 12 months on your transport?
Q0228_6 |
228_6. Expenditures during past 12 months in food bough
How much has your household spent during the last 12 months on your food bought in the canteen or other place?
Q0228_7 |
228_7. Expenditures during past 12 months in others
How much has your household spent during the last 12 months on your others?
Q0228_8 |
228_8. Expenditures during past 12 months in total
How much has your household spent during the last 12 months on your Total?
Q0229 |
229. 8-35 years old
Is (NAME)'s age is 8 or between 8-35 years?
Q0230 |
230. When dropped out... Grade
From which grade did you/[NAME] drop out?
Q0231 |
231. Year when dropped out
In what year did you drop out?
Q0232 |
232. Reason for dropped out
Why did you / [NAME] drop out the school?