Mongolia - MICS 2000
Reference ID | MNG-NSO-EN-MICS2000-v1.0 |
Year | 2000 |
Country | Mongolia |
Producer(s) | National Statistical Office of Mongolia |
Sponsor(s) | UNICEF - UNICEF - Funding of survey implementation |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Jul 31, 2013 |
Last modified | Jul 08, 2014 |
Page views | 326080 |
Downloads | 10004 |
Data Dictionary
Data File: Woman
Content | Data collected at Woman aged 15-49 level (MICS Woman Questionnaire, modules Women's information panel, characteristics, Child mortality, Tetanus toxoid, Maternal and infant health, Contraception, HIV/AIDS knowledge,Deficiency 'D' vitamin, Household information panel, Household characteristics and Water and sanitation) |
Cases | 8257 |
Variable(s) | 184 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: wiclno (Cluster number), wihhno (Household number), wilnno (Woman's line number) |
Version | Version 2.0: edited data used for national report in English |
Producer | NSO of Mongolia and UNICEF |
Processing Checks | Data has undergone consistency, range, structure, completeness and wildcode checking. Skips were controlled by the data entry program. |
Name | Label | Question | |
vd12 | Is baby head sweated? | Is baby head sweated? | |
hl2 | Relationship to the household head | Relationship to the household head? | |
hl3 | Sex | Is (name) male or female? | |
hl4 | Age | Women aged 15-49 years | |
hl5 | Line number of eligible women | Line number of eligible women | |
hl6 | Line number of mother/caretaker for child labor module | Who is the mother or primary caretaker for child labor module? | |
hl7 | Line number of mother/caretaker for child health module | Who is the mother or primary caretaker for child health module? | |
hl8 | Can read a newspaper or letter | Can he/she read a letter or newspaper easily, with difficulty or not at all? | |
hl9 | Marital status | What is the marital status of (name)? | |
hl10 | Mother alive | is (name's) natural mother alive? | |
hl11 | Mother in HH | Does (name's) natural mother live in this house-hold? | |
hl12 | Father alive | is (name's) natural father alive? | |
hl13 | Father in HH | Does (name's) natural father live in this house-hold? | |
ed14 | Line number | Line number? | |
ed15 | Ever attended school | Has (name) ever attended school? | |
ed16a | Highest level of school attended | What is the highest level of school (name) attended? | |
ed16b | Highest grade at level | What is the highest grade (name) completed at this level? | |
ed17 | Currently attending school | Is (name) currently attending school? | |
ed18 | Attended school during last year | During the current school year, did (name) attend school at any time? | |
ed19 | Days attended school in last week | Since last (day of the week),how many days did (name) attend school? | |
ed20a | Level of education attended | Which level is/was (name) attending? | |
ed20b | Grade of education attended. | Which grade is/was (name) attending? | |
ed21 | Attended school last year | Did (name) attend school last year? | |
ed22a | Level of education attended last year | Which level did (name) attend last year? | |
ed22b | Grade of education attended last year | Which grade did (name) attend last year? | |
mm1 | Line number | Line number (from hh list)? | |
mm3 | Is this a proxy report | Is this a proxy report? | |
mm4 | Line no.of proxy respondent | line number of proxy respondent? | |
mm5 | How many sisters have you ever had | How many sisters (born to same mother) have you ever had? | |
mm6 | How many of these sisters ever reached age 15 | How many of these sisters ever reached age 15? | |
mm7 | How many of these sisters 15 years are alive now | How many of these sisters (who are at least 15 years old) are alive now? | |
mm8 | How many of these sisters who reached age 15+ more have dead | How many of these sisters who reached age 15 or more have died? | |
mm9 | How many sisters died in pregnant | how many of these dead sisters died while pregnant, or during childbirth, or during the six weeks after the end of pregnancy? | |
hi3d | Day of interview | Day of interview? | |
hi3m | Month of interview | Month of interview? | |
hi3y | Year of interview | Year of interview? | |
hi4 | Identification code of interviwer | Identification code of interviewer? | |
hi6 | Household location | Household location? | |
hi7 | Aimag,capital city | Name of province/code/? | |
hi8a | Type of house | Type of house? | |
hi8b | Type of ownership | Type of ownership | |
hi8c | Living area | Living area(by square meter)? | |
hi8d | Main construction material of walls | Main construction material of walls? | |
hi8e | The main flooring material | Main construction material of floor? | |
hi8f | Number of room | Number of room? | |
hi8h | Number of wall's of the GER | Number of wall's of the GER? | |
hi9a | Heating type | Type of heating? | |
hi9b | Type of fuel | type of fuel use for cooking? | |
hi9c1 | Electricity | Does your huosehold have electricity? | |
hi9c2 | Radio | Does your huosehold have radio? | |
hi9c3 | TV | Does your huosehold have TV? | |
hi9c4 | Fridge | Does your huosehold have refrigator? | |
hi9d1 | Bicycle | Does any member of your household own bicycle? | |
hi9d2 | Motorcycle | Does any member of your household own motorcycle? | |
hi9d3 | Car or truck | Does any member of your household own car or truck? | |
hi9e | Livestock | Does your household owns farm livestock? | |
hi9f | Arable | Does your household owns farm land? | |
hi9h | Consumption per person/months | Consumption per person/months? | |
hi10 | Result of HH interview | Result of household interview? | |
hi11 | Total eligible women | number of women eligible for interview? | |
hi12 | Women interviews completed | Women interviews completed? | |
hi13 | Total children under 5 | number of child under 5 ages? | |
hi14 | Child interviews completed | Child interviews completed? | |
hi15 | Total disablity children 0-18 | number of disability child between 0 and 18? | |
hi16 | Disablity child interviews completed | Disablity child interviews completed? | |
himem | Number of members family | number of household members? | |
ws1 | Main source of drinking water | What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household? | |
ws2 | Time to water and back | How long does it take to go there, get water, and come back? | |
ws3 | Kind of toilet facility | What kind of toilet facility does your household use? | |
ws4 | Facility located withing private living area | Is this facility located within your dwelling, or yard or compound? | |
ws5 | Disposal of children's stools | What happens with the stools of young children (0-3 years) when they do not use the latrine or toilet facility? | |
si1 | Salt iodization test outcome | We would like to check whether the salt used in your household is iodized. May i see a sample of the salt used to cook the main meal eaten by members of your household last night? | |
memage | Age | ||
cmcdoi | Date of interview (CMC) | ||
wdob | Date of birth (CMC) | ||
wage | Age | ||
mstatus | Marital status | ||
melevel | Woman's education level | ||
ceb | Children ever born | ||
deadkids | Dead children | ||
aids | Heard of AIDS | ||
regcode | By region | ||
marstat | Marital Status | ||
ur | Area | ||
Total variable(s):
184 |