Mongolia - MICS 2005
Reference ID | MNG-NSO-MICS2005-v1.0 |
Year | 2005 |
Country | Mongolia |
Producer(s) | National Statistical Office of Mongolia |
Sponsor(s) | UNICEF - UNICEF - Funding of survey implementation Ministry of Finance of Mongolia - MoFM - Funding of survey implementation |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Jul 31, 2013 |
Last modified | Jul 08, 2014 |
Page views | 533903 |
Downloads | 13218 |
Variable Groups
- Interview and HH identification
- Characteristics of dwelling
- Water and sanitation
- Characteristics of the head
- Members characteristics
- Education
- Children's living arrangements
- Child mortality
- Maternal and newborn health
- Nutrition
- Child health
- Source and cost of supplies
- Contraception
- Child protection
- Marriage/union
- HIV-AIDS knowledge
- Wealth Index
- Asset ownership
- Weighting coefficients
- Others
Beat him/her up with an implement
File: Household
File: Household
Discrete Format: numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Range: 1-9 | Valid cases: 4508 (4503.7) Invalid: 1817 (1716.3) Minimum: 1 Maximum: 2 |
Selected children aged 2-14
Mother or caretaker of selected children aged 2-14 years
Value | Category | Cases | Weighted | |
1 | Yes | 1706 | 1701 | 37.8% |
2 | No | 2802 | 2802 | 62.2% |
Sysmiss | 1817 | 1716 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Questions and instructions
All adults use certain ways to teach children the right behaviour or to address a behaviour problem. I will read various methods that are used and I want you to tell me if you or anyone else in your household has used this method with (name) in the past month.
Did you beat him/her up with an implement (hit over and over as hard as one could)?
This question is specially designed to measure various ways in which parents discipline their children. It is important that you ask this question in a neutral way - do not let your voice reflect approval or disapproval of the discipline method mentioned. It is important to mention that we are interested in knowing only about what may have occurred during the past month - the 30 days preceding the survey. When asking this question, remind the respondent, from time to time, that you are asking about the last 30 days or one month, and that you are interested if the respondent or anyone else has used this method with the child.
This is the most severe form of physical punishment we ask about in this question. This question refers to punishment using a soft or hard object such as a stick, belt, cane, or other object to beat the child repeatedly.
Circle '1' for 'Yes' and '2' for 'No' in this question.
This is the most severe form of physical punishment we ask about in this question. This question refers to punishment using a soft or hard object such as a stick, belt, cane, or other object to beat the child repeatedly.
Circle '1' for 'Yes' and '2' for 'No' in this question.