ANNOUNCEMENT: 5th Steering Committee Meeting of UBCG, September 2016, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.Report of the 4th Steering Committee Meeting of UBCG

ANNOUNCEMENT: 5th Steering Committee Meeting of UBCG, September 2016, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

The 5th Steering Committee Meeting of UBCG will be held in September 2016, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

We cordially invite the members of the Steering Committee to attend this meeting For further information, please contact the following address:

Point of contact:

Chair of Expert Group

Mr. Paul Roberts, National Income & Production Division, National Accounts Branch Australian Bureau of Statistics

 Ulaanbaatar Group Secretariat
M.Ganchimeg,  Director of Foreign Relations Division 
D. Oyunbileg, Senior officer of Integrated Policy and Cooperation Department
G. Otgonbayar Officer Foreign Relations Division

National Registration and Statistics Office of Mongolia
Address: Government Building III, Baga toiruu -44, 
Ulaanbaatar -20A, Mongolia

Tel: 976-51-329125, 976-51-261530
Fax: 976-11-324518

Report of the 4th Steering Committee Meeting of UBCG

Please have a look at the Third Steering Commitee Meeting report in Vienna, 06-08, August.

The fourth meeting of the Group, hosted by Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), was held in Sydney from 15 to 17 September 2015. The meeting covered a comprehensive agenda (annex 1) of presentations and discussions. The participants at the meeting discussed the outline of handbook and the follow up activities to be done until February of 2016. The meeting agreed on an outline of the discussion report to be submitted to UNSC in 2016.

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