Mongolia - RHS 2008
Reference ID | MNG-NSO-EN-RHS-2008-v1.0 |
Year | 2008 |
Country | Mongolia |
Producer(s) | National Statistical Office of Mongolia |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - Financial assistance for conduct of the Survey Government of Mongolia - - Financial assistance for conduct of the Survey |
Collection(s) | |
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Created on | Jul 31, 2013 |
Last modified | Jul 08, 2014 |
Page views | 450555 |
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Data Dictionary
Data File: Women
Content | Dataset of Individual questionnaire of the RHS 2008. |
Cases | 9525 |
Variable(s) | 627 |
Producer | National Statistical office of Mongolia. |
Name | Label | Question | |
CLUSTER | Cluster number | ||
HHN | HHN | ||
RESPNO | Line number | ||
H36 | Monthly average income per person | ||
HUSQUEST | Husband Interview attempted | ||
HUSLN | Husband's line number | ||
WMONTH | Month of Interview | ||
WDAY | Interview Day | ||
region | Region | ||
WRESULT | Result | ||
WVISIT | Number of Visits | ||
Q100H | Recording Time : Hour | ||
Q100M | Recording Time : Minutes | ||
Q101Y | Year of Birth | In what year were you born? | |
Q101M | Month of Birth | In what month were you born? | |
Q102 | Age | How old are you? | |
Q103 | Years Lived Here | How long have you been living continuously in (NAME OF CURRENT PLACE OF RESIDENCE)? | |
Q104 | Previous Place of Residence | Just before you moved here, did you live in a city, in an aimag center, in a soum, or in the countryside? | |
Q105 | Ever Attended School | Have you ever attended school? | |
Q106W | Education | What was the highest level of school you completed? | |
Q106 | Level of Education | What was the highest level of school you completed? | |
Q107 | Read/Write | Are you literate? | |
Q109 | Currently Attending School | Are you currently attending school? | |
Q110 | Reason for not Attending School | What was the main reason you stopped attending school? | |
Q111A | Read a Newspaper at List once a Week | Do you usually read a newspaper at least once a week? | |
Q111B | Use internet at Least once a week | Do you usually use to internet at least once a week? | |
Q111C | Listen to Radio at Least once a Week | Do you usually listen to the radio at least once a week? | |
Q111D | Watch TV at Least once a Week | Do you usually watch TV at least once a week? | |
Q112 | Marital status | Are you currently married or living together with a man, or are you single, or separated, divorced, or widowed? | |
Q112w | Current Marital Status | Are you currently married or living together with a man, or are you single, or separated, divorced, or widowed? | |
Q113 | Number of Marraige | Have you been married or lived with a man only once, or more than once? | |
Q114A | Year of marriage | MARRIED/ LIVED WITH A MAN ONLY ONCE: In what year did you start living with your husband/parther? MARRIED/ LIVED WITH A MAN MORE THAN ONCE: Now we will talk about your first husband/parther. In what year did you start living with him? | |
Q114B | Month of marriage | MARRIED/ LIVED WITH A MAN ONLY ONCE: In what month did you start living with your husband/parther? MARRIED/ LIVED WITH A MAN MORE THAN ONCE: Now we will talk about your first husband/parther. In what month did you start living with him? | |
Q115 | New family allowance | Does your household give a new family allowance 500'000? | |
Q116 | Age at marriage | How old were you when you started living with him? | |
Q117 | Medical check-up | Do you usually go to doctor to have medical check-up prevent from any kind of diseases? | |
Q200 | Ever Given Birth | Have you ever given birth? | |
Q201 | Any Children Living With You | Do you have any sons or daughters who are living with you? | |
Q202A | Number of Sons at Home | How many sons live with you now? | |
Q202B | Number of Daughters at Home | How many daughters live with you now? | |
Q203 | Any Children Living Elsewhere | Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth and now are not living with you? | |
Q204A | Number of Sons Living Away from Home | How many sons are alive but not living with you? | |
Q204B | Number of Daughters Living Away from Home | How many daughters are alive but do not live with you? | |
Q205 | Any Child Born Alive but Later Died | Have you ever given birth to a boy or a girl who was born alive but later died? | |
Q206A | Number of Sons Died | In all, how many boys have died? | |
Q206B | Number of Daughters Died | And how many girls have died? | |
Q207 | Total Number of Children | ||
Q209 | Age at first birth | At what age did you give a birth to your first child? | |
Q210 | Currently pregnant | Are you pregnant now? | |
Q211 | Duration of pregnancy | How many months are you pregnant? | |
Q212 | Antenatal care | Have you taken the antenatal care? | |
Q213 | Duration of Pregnancy Before First Antenatal Care | How many weeks pregnant did you take antenatal care at first time? | |
Q214 | Number of antenatal care | How many times have you taken antenatal care? | |
Q215 | Antenatal care | Whom have you seen? | |
Q215_A | Antenatal care - A | Have you seen a GYNECOLOGIST? | |
Q215_B | Antenatal care - B | Have you seen OTHER DOCTOR? | |
Q215_C | Antenatal care - C | Have you seen a PROF.MIDWIFE? | |
Q215_D | Antenatal care - D | Have you seen a FAMILY DOCTOR? | |
Q215_E | Antenatal care - E | Have you seen a BAGH FEELDSHER? | |
Q215_F | Antenatal care - F | Have you seen a FEELDSHER? | |
Q215_G | Antenatal care - G | Have you seen a MEDICAL ASSISTANT? | |
Q215_X | Antenatal care - X | Have you seen OTHERS? | |
Q216 | Place of Antenatal Care | Where have you gone for antenatal care? | |
Q217A | Advice on signficance of antenatal care | Did the doctor give the advice on signifcance of antenatal care? | |
Q217B | Advice on food requirements doing prognary | Did the doctor give the advice on food requirements doing prognary? | |
Q217C | Advice on harmful habits | Did the doctor give the advice on harmfull habits such as tobacco and alcohol use? | |
Q217D | Advice on how to protect from STI | Did the doctor give the advice on how to protect yourself from STI? | |
Q217E | Advice on danger sings of pregnancy | Did the doctor give the advice on danger signs of pregnacy? | |
Q217F | Advice on family planning | Did the doctor give the advice on family planning? | |
Q217G | Advice on pregnancy & childbirth allowances | Did the doctor give the advice on pregnacy and childbirth allowances? | |
Q218 | Quality of antanatal care | What do you think about the guality of antenatal care? | |
Q219 | Any lasovotoy since become pregnant | Since you have become pregnant, have you taken any lasovotoy? | |
Q219A | Urinary test | Have you taken the URINARY TEST? | |
Q219B | Blood test | Have you taken the BLOOD TEST? | |
Q219C | HIV test | Have you taken the HIV TEST? | |
Q219D | Syphilis test | Have you taken the SYPHILIS TEST? | |
Q219E | Vaginal smear test | Have you taken the VAGINAL SMEAR TEST? | |
Q219F | Ultrasound examination | Have you taken the ULTRASOUND EXAMINATION? | |
Q220 | Main problem of antenatal care | Can you tell us about main problem of antenatal care? | |
Q221 | Reason of not attending to antenatal care | Why you did not attend to antenatal care? What was your main problem? | |
Q222 | Wanted to Become Pregnant | At the time you became pregnant, did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you not want to become pregnant at all? | |
Q223 | Age at First Menstrual Period | At what age did your first menstrual period start? | |
Q224 | Is there Certain Times Woman Get Pregnant | Between the first day of a woman's period and the first day of her next period, are there certain times when she has greater chance of becoming pregnant than other times? | |
Q225 | When Women have Greater Chance to Become Pregnant | During which times of the monthly cycle does a woman have the greatest chance of becoming pregnant? | |
Q226A | When Last Period Started: Code | When did your last menstrual period start? | |
Q226B | Last Menstrual Period | When did your last menstrual period start? | |
Q301A | Have you given Births Since January,2003 | HAVE YOU GIVEN BIRTHS SINCE JANUARY 1, 2003? | |
Q301B | Total Number of Births Since January, 2003 | ||
Q350 | Have abortion/miscarriage, still birth since January 2003 | Apart from these births, did you get pregnant ending with abortion, still birth and miscarriage? | |
Q351A | Miscarriage | In the last five years, how many miscarriage did you have? | |
Q351B | Still Birth | In the last five years, how many still birth did you have? | |
Q351C | Abortion | In the last five years, how many abortion did you have? | |
Q351D | Number of abortion in last 12 months | In the last 12 month, how many times did you have abortion? | |
Q351EA | Last Abortion - Year | lastly, in what year did you have abortion? | |
Q351EB | Last Abortion - Month | lastly, in what month did you have abortion? | |
Q352 | Reason of last abortion | Please tell me the reason you had the last abortion? | |
Q353 | Months of pregnant | For your last abortion, how many weeks of pregnant you had been at that time? | |
Q354 | Who made decision to have abortion | For your last abortion, who made a decision to have abortion? Did you make the decision alone, or did you make decision with someone, or did someone make the decision for you? | |
Q355 | Place of last abortion | Where did you have the last abortion? | |
Q356 | Who Assisted with the abortion | Who assisted you with having the last abortion? | |
Total variable(s):
627 |