Mongolia - HSES 2002/2003
Reference ID | MNG-NSO-EN-IntegratedHIESwithLSMS20022003-v1.0 |
Year | 2002 - 2003 |
Country | Mongolia |
Producer(s) | National Statistical Office of Mongolia |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Development Programme - UNDP - Funding of survey implementation World Bank - WB - Funding of survey implementation |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Jul 29, 2013 |
Last modified | Jul 08, 2014 |
Page views | 1054616 |
Downloads | 32415 |
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Variable Groups
Data Dictionary
Data File: rt066
Content | Data collected at Household level (LSMS Questionnaire, module Energy, Questions 14-28) |
Cases | 9893 |
Variable(s) | 31 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: identif (HH ID) |
Version | v2.0: edited data, for internal use only |
Producer | National Statistical Office of Mongolia, World Bank and United Nations Development Programme |
Processing Checks | Data has done consistency, range, structure, completeness and wildcode checking. Skips were controlled by the data entry program. |
Name | Label | Question | |
identif | HH ID | ||
b1614 | Electricity systems | ||
b1614a | Own the electricity system | Does your household own […] electricity system? | |
b1615 | Year acquired the electricity system | In what year did your household acquire this system? | |
b1616 | Type of acquired the electricity system | How did your household acquire this system? | |
b1617 | Payment for the electricity system, tugrugs | How much did your household pay for the system? | |
b1618 | Pay off the loan | Did your household pay off the loan? | |
b16191 | Initial down payment of the loan | What was the initial down payment? | |
b16192 | Number of months of the loan | What was the number of months of the loan? | |
b16193 | Monthly payment amount | What was the monthly payment amount? | |
b1620 | Monthly renting payment of the electricity system | What is the monthly rent of the electricity system? | |
b16211 | Number of the electricity systems | How many of the electricity does your household own? | |
b16212 | Power capacity of the electricity system | What is the power capacity in watts of the electricity system? | |
b16213 | Battery rating (amp.hour) of the electricity system | What is the rating of the battery used in the electicity system? | |
b1622 | Duration of using the electricity system per day | On an average, how many hours does your household use electricity per day? | |
b16231 | Repair expenses or replacement lamp incurred in the electricity system in the past 12 months | Did the electricity system incur any repair expenses or replacement lamp in last 12 months? | |
b16232 | Repair expenses or replacement charge/discharge controller incurred in the electricity system in the past 12 months | Did the electricity system incur any repair expenses or replacement charge/discharge controller in last 12 months? | |
b16233 | Repair expenses or replacement inverter incurred in the electricity system in the past 12 months | Did the electricity system incur any repair expenses or replacement inverter in last 12 months? | |
b16234 | Repair expenses or replacement solar planet incurred in the electricity system in the past 12 months | Did the electricity system incur any repair expenses or replacement solar planet in last 12 months? | |
b16235 | Repair expenses or replacement wind power generator incurred in the electricity system in the past 12 months | Did the electricity system incur any repair expenses or replacement wind power generator in last 12 months? | |
b16236 | Repair expenses or replacement ballast incurred in the electricity system in the past 12 months | Did the electricity system incur any repair expenses or replacement ballast in last 12 months? | |
b16237 | Repair expenses or replacement spare parts of small gen-set incurred in the electricity system in the past 12 months | Did the electricity system incur any repair expenses or replacement spare parts of small gen-set in last 12 months? | |
b16238 | Repair expenses or replacement battery incurred in the electricity system in the past 12 months | Did the electricity system incur any repair expenses or replacement battery in last 12 months? | |
b16239 | Repair expenses or replacement other parts incurred in the electricity system in the past 12 months | Did the electricity system incur any repair expenses or replacement other parts in last 12 months? | |
b1624 | Amount spent on repair bill in the last 12 months | How much did your household spend on repair bill in the last 12 months? | |
b1625 | Time of using last battery | How long did the last battery used in the electricity system? | |
b1626 | Amount spent on new battery | How much did your household spend on a new battery? | |
b1627 | Fuel used for small gen-set | Which fuel does your household use for the small gen-set? | |
b16281 | Amount of fuel used for the small gen-set, litres | How much fuel does your household use for your private small gen-set per month? | |
b16282 | Unit price of fuel used for the small gen-set, tugrugs | What is the price per liter of fuel? | |
b16283 | Total price of fuel used for the small gen-set, tugrugs | What is total price per month you usually pay for fuel? | |
Total variable(s):
31 |