Name | Label | Question |
idperson |
Person ID
| |
b04101 |
3-7 years old
| |
b04102 |
Respondent ID
| |
b04103 |
Attending preschool
Is [NAME] currently attending preschool?
b04104 |
Why not attending preschool
Why is [NAME] not attending preschool?
b04105 |
Type of preschool
What type of preschool is [NAME] attending?
b04106 |
Attendance in hours per week
How many hours per week on average does [NAME] attend preschool?
b04107 |
Attendance in years
How many years, counting the present school year, has [NAME] attended preschool?
b04108 |
Tuition fee for education within last 12 monts
How much has your household spent on tuition fee during the last 12 months for [NAME'S] education (tugrugs)?
b04109 |
Money spent on food expenses for education within last 12 monts
How much has your household spent on food expenses during the last 12 months for [NAME'S] education (tugrugs)?
b04110 |
Money spent on other expenses for education within last 12 monts
How much has your household spent on other expenses during the last 12 months for [NAME'S] education (tugrugs)?