Name | Label | Question |
b0301 |
How many dwellings
How many dwellings has your household lived in during the past 12 months?
b0302 |
Number of HH
How many households are sharing the main dwelling you live in?
b0303 |
Type of living quarters
What is type of living quarters?
b0304 |
Number of rooms
How many rooms in the dwelling?
b0305 |
Main material of the walls
What is main material of the walls of the dwelling?
b0306 |
Main material of the roof
What is main material of the roof of the dwelling?
b0307 |
Main material of the floor
What is main material of the floor of the dwelling?
b0308 |
Living area (sq.m)
What is square of living area of the dwelling (sq.m)?
b0309 |
Total useful area (sq.m)
What is square of total useful area of the dwelling (sq.m)?
b0310 |
Total area of non-living quarters
What is the total area non-living quarters?
b0311 |
Number of walls in the ger
How many walls in the ger?
b0312 |
Covering of the ceiling
What is covering of the ceiling of the ger?
b0313 |
Covering of the walls
What is covering of the walls of the ger?
b0314 |
Main material of the floor
What is main material of the floor of the ger?
b03151 |
Number of gers
How many gers did your household live in during the past 12 months?
b03152 |
Number of other dwellings
How many other dwellings did your household live in during the past 12 months?
b0316 |
Number of HH
How many households are sharing the main dwelling you live in?
b03dq |
Dwelling queue
| |
b0317 |
The kind of the dwelling
What kind of dwelling is this?
b0318 |
Number of rooms
How many rooms in the dwelling?
b0319 |
Main material of the walls
What is main material of the walls of the dwelling?
b0320 |
Main material of the roof
What is main material of the roof of the dwelling?
b0321 |
Main material of the floor
What is main material of the floor of the dwelling?
b0322 |
Living area (sq.m)
What is square of living area of the dwelling (sq.m)?
b0323 |
Total useful area (sq.m)
What is square of total useful area of the dwelling (sq.m)?
b0324 |
Live in the dwelling this winter
Did you live in the dwelling this winter?
b03gq |
Ger queue
| |
b0325 |
Number of the walls in the ger
How many walls in the ger?
b0326 |
Covering of the ceiling
What is covering of the ceiling of the ger?
b0327 |
Covering of the walls
What is covering of the walls of the ger?
b0328 |
Main material of the floor
What is main material of the floor of the ger?
b0329 |
Live in the ger this winter
Did you live in the ger this winter?
b0330 |
Type of ownership of the main dwelling
What is type of ownership of your main dwelling?
b0331 |
Acquirement of the main dwelling
How was the main dwelling acquired?
b0332 |
Borrow any money to acquire the main dwelling
Did you borrow any money to acquire the main dwelling?
b0333 |
Done all the repayment
Have you done all the repayment?
b0334 |
Frequence of repayments
How often do you usually do repayments?
b0335 |
Value of the most recent repayment
What is value of the most recent repayment?
b0336 |
Rent of the main dwelling per month
If you wanted to rent the main dwelling to someone else, how much could you get for it, monthly?
b0337 |
Selling cost of the main dwelling
If the main dwelling was sold today, how much would it be sold for?
b0338 |
Used the main dwelling
How long has your household used the main dwelling?
b0339 |
Water supply
What is source of water supply?
b0340 |
Sewage system
Have you a sewage system?
b0341 |
Waste disposal
How the household waste disposal?
b0342 |
Type of toilet
What type of toilet do you have?
b0343 |
Kitchen room
Have you a kitchen room?
b0344 |
Bathtub or shower
Have you a bathtub/shower?
b0345 |
Have you a telephone?
b0346 |
Distance to the nearest phone use (km)
How far is it to the nearest phone you can use (km)?
b03471 |
Distance to the nearest secondary 8-grade school (km)
What is distance to the nearest secondary 8-grade school (km)?
b03472 |
Distance to the nearest secondary 10-grade school (km)
What is distance to the nearest secondary 10-grade school (km)?
b0348 |
Distance to the nearest place to receive medical care (km)
What is distance to the nearest place to receive medical care (km)?
b0349 |
Distance to the nearest pharmacy (km)
What is distance to the nearest pharmacy (km)?
b0350 |
Distance to the nearest well or spring, river (km)
What is distance to the nearest well or spring, river (km)?
b0351 |
Used or rented special dwelling for HH schooling members
Does this household maintain (either owned or rented) another dwelling for household members to live while attending school?
b0352 |
Location of the dwelling for schooling
Where is the dwelling for school children located?
b0353 |
Distance of the dwelling from the main dwelling (km)
How far is the dwelling from the main dwelling (km)?
b03541 |
Number of schooling members living in the dwelling during the academic year
How many schooling members of your household live in the dwelling during this school year?
b03542 |
Number of non-schooling members living in the dwelling
How many non-schooling members of your household live in the dwelling during this school year?
b0355 |
Another household members live in the dwelling and share it
Does another household members live in the dwelling and share it?
b0356 |
Own the dwelling
Does your household own the dwelling?
b0357 |
Rent the household
Does your household rent the dwelling?
b0358 |
Payment for rent in the academic year
What rent do your household pay in total for the school year (tugrugs)?